The AsRef Trait

Working with strings is a common requirement in real-world applications. Sometimes, you want a function that can take either a String or a &str as input without needing separate implementations. Rust's AsRef trait provides a simple way to borrow data as a reference in a generic manner, enabling functions to work with various types that can be represented as a reference to a common type.

The AsRef trait is a powerful standard library trait used for cheap conversions to a reference of another type. For example, it can be used to create a function that works with both owned (String) and borrowed (&str) string types. This approach is lightweight and avoids unnecessary allocations.

Your Task

Implement a function print_message that accepts any type that implements the AsRef<str> trait. This function should:

  • Accept a single argument of a generic type that implements AsRef<str>.
  • Borrow the input as a string slice (&str) and print it to the console using println!.


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  • The AsRef trait provides a .as_ref() method to borrow a reference.
  • Both String and &str implement AsRef<str>, so they can be used interchangeably with this trait.