The From trait

The From trait is one of the most commonly used trait in the Rust programming language, it is used for converting a value from one type to another.

After you implement the From trait for a type, the Into trait is implemented for you automatically. This means that you can then use into() on the source type to convert this type to the target type, and of course, you can use From::from() to convert from the source type to the target type.

Here's an example on a use case for the From trait:

fn main() {
    let f = Fahrenheit(32.0);
    let c: Celsius = f.into();
    println!("{}°F is {}°C", f.0, c.0);

This code works because the Fahrenheit struct implements the From trait for the Celsius struct. This allows us to convert a Fahrenheit instance to a Celsius instance using the into() method. The explicit type annotation : Celsius tells the compiler to turn it "into" a Celsius instance.

Your Task

Your task is to implement the From trait for the following struct types:

struct Minutes(u32);
struct Hours(u32);
struct Days(u32);

You need to implement the From trait for the following conversions:

  • Minutes to Hours
  • Hours to Days
  • Minutes to Days
  • Days to Hours