Strings and slices

In the data types lesson we talked about the scalar types and compound types, but we never touched upon the String type or the slice type. The reason for that is that String is not a primitive data type itself, it is just a collection of bytes stored in a Vec<u8> that is owned and guaranteed to be a valid UTF-8 encoded string.

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Since the string type is just a collection of bytes, it is actually a Vec<u8>. The String type is a wrapper around a Vec<u8> that represents a UTF-8 encoded string. The String type is a growable, heap-allocated data structure that allows you to store a sequence of UTF-8 encoded characters.

If we want to have a reference of a String or a part of a String, we can use a Slice, which is a reference to a sequence of elements in the collection, in this case it is a reference to a sequence of bytes in the String type. The slice type is &str, which is a reference to a sequence of UTF-8 encoded characters.

Let's have a look at an example:

fn main() {
    let my_string = String::from("Hello, World!");
    let hello = &my_string[0..5];
    let world = &my_string[7..12];
    println!("Hello, {}", world);

In this snippet of code, we have a String type called my_string that contains the string "Hello, World!". We then create two slices, hello and world.

The hello slice is a reference to the first 5 characters of the my_string string (index 0 to 4), which is "Hello". The world slice is a reference to the last 5 characters of the my_string string (index 7 to 11), which is "World".

When we print the world slice, it will output "World", the whole output in the console is going to be Hello, World.

Strings are just collections of bytes, represented by the String type (UTF-8 encoded) or &str for slices (string references).


In the previous lesson The stack and the heap we learned about both the stack and the heap and how data is stored in memory. We also talked about pointers.

Pointers are the same as references, they are stored on the stack and point to a value stored somewhere else, mostly stored on the heap but they could also be stored somewhere else like the stack.

Let's illustrate the concept of slices with an example:

fn main() {
    let my_string = String::from("Hello, World!");
    let hello = &my_string[0..5];
    let world = &my_string[7..12];
    println!("Hello, {}", world);

Slices illustrated Slices illustrated

The two boxes you see on the left represent the two pointers that are stored on the stack, and the one on the right represents the actual String value stored on the heap.

The first reference is pointing to the first character of the String and has a length of 13 characters, so if we count from the first character and stop at the 13th character, we will get the whole string.

The other slice world is pointing to the 8th character (index 7) and has a length of 6 characters, so if we count from the 8th character (index 7) to a length of 6 characters, we will stop at the 13th character, and we'll get the string World.

Note that these variables themselves don't hold any values of the string, they rather hold a reference to the actual value stored on the heap.

String slices (&str) allow us to work with parts of strings without copying data, adhering to ownership rules.

String slices help us reference parts of a collection without copying the data, however, they also have to follow the ownership rules and if we break them, the compiler will not compile the code.

Let's have a look at this example:

fn main() {
    let mut text = String::from("good morning");
    let prefix = get_prefix(&text);
    text = format!("Hello {}", text);
    println!("The prefix is: {}", prefix);
    println!("The text is: {}", text);
fn get_prefix(t: &String) -> String {
    let characters = t.chars();
    for (idx, char) in characters.enumerate() {
        if char == ' ' {
            return t[0..idx].to_string();

In this example, we have a String type called text that contains the string "good morning". We then call the get_prefix function with a reference to the text string. The get_prefix function returns an owned String type that contains the prefix of the text string.

Let's walk trough the code line by line having ownership rules in mind:

  1. We create a String type called text that contains the string "good morning".
fn main() {
    let mut text = String::from("good morning");
    let prefix = get_prefix(&text);
    text = format!("Hello {}", text);
    println!("The prefix is: {}", prefix);
    println!("The text is: {}", text);
  1. We call the get_prefix function with an immutable reference to the text string.

  2. The immutable reference is being used and returns an owned String.

fn main() {
    let mut text = String::from("good morning");
    let prefix = get_prefix(&text);
    text = format!("Hello {}", text);
    println!("The prefix is: {}", prefix);
    println!("The text is: {}", text);
  1. We mutate the text string by prepending the string "Hello" to it.
fn main() {
    let mut text = String::from("good morning");
    let prefix = get_prefix(&text);
    text = format!("Hello {}", text);
    println!("The prefix is: {}", prefix);
    println!("The text is: {}", text);
  1. We use an immutable reference of the text string to print the prefix to the console.
fn main() {
    let mut text = String::from("good morning");
    let prefix = get_prefix(&text);
    text = format!("Hello {}", text);
    println!("The prefix is: {}", prefix);
    println!("The text is: {}", text);

The code works because none of the ownership rules are violated. We are not using immutable references at the same time as taking a mutable reference, so the code is safe.

The problem with this code is that when we prepend the string "Hello" to the text string and the prefix will change to "Hello" instead of "good", but the prefix variable still holds the old value "good", which is not what we want.

A better approach to do this is to make the variables relationally linked to each other. By using string slices &str we can achieve this.

So, instead of returning an owned String type, we can return a string slice to point to the slice in which we have the prefix.

Let's have a look at the modified code:

fn main() {
    let mut text = String::from("good morning");
    let prefix = get_prefix(&text);
    text = format!("Hello {}", text);
    println!("The prefix is: {}", prefix);
    println!("The text is: {}", text);
fn get_prefix(t: &String) -> &str {
    let characters = t.chars();
    for (idx, char) in characters.enumerate() {
        if char == ' ' {
            return &t[0..idx];

This way we can be sure that the prefix is always pointing to the same value as the text string.

Let's run the code and see what happens:

Can't mutate borrowed value error Can't mutate borrowed value error

Now let's go over the code and see what happened when the code is executed:

  • We create a String type called text that contains the string "good morning".
fn main() {
    let mut text = String::from("good morning");
    let prefix: &str = get_prefix(&text);
    text = format!("Hello {}", text);
    println!("The prefix is: {}", prefix);
    println!("The text is: {}", text);
  • We call the get_prefix function with an immutable reference to the text string.
fn main() {
    let mut text = String::from("good morning");
    let prefix: &str = get_prefix(&text);
    text = format!("Hello {}", text);
    println!("The prefix is: {}", prefix);
    println!("The text is: {}", text);
  • We then mutate the text string by prepending the string "Hello" to it (the prefix now changed).
fn main() {
    let mut text = String::from("good morning");
    let prefix: &str = get_prefix(&text);
    text = format!("Hello {}", text);
    println!("The prefix is: {}", prefix);
    println!("The text is: {}", text);
  • We print prefix, which is a slice that references the text string.
fn main() {
    let mut text = String::from("good morning");
    let prefix: &str = get_prefix(&text);
    text = format!("Hello {}", text);
    println!("The prefix is: {}", prefix);
    println!("The text is: {}", text);

There's a problem however, the immutable reference is being used after the text string has been modified, which is a violation of the ownership rules. The code will not compile because of this violation.

Slices error Slices error

This is a good example of how the ownership system in Rust works, it's a great way to prevent errors and bugs that could potentially happen later in your code which could be hard to debug.

If we didn't use the reference to the text string, the prefix would be the older prefix value "good" instead of "Hello", which would be a bug that would be a little bit difficult to debug.

String slices are references to portions of a String, avoiding unnecessary data duplication and ensuring data integrity.

Other slices

Slices are not exclusive to the String type, they can also be used with arrays. Let's have a look at an example:

fn main() {
    let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
    let slice = &numbers[1..3];
    println!("Slice: {:?}", slice);

In this example, we have an array called numbers that contains the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. We then create a slice called slice that references the second and third elements of the numbers array. We then print the slice slice, which will output [2, 3].

When executed, the code will output [2, 3], which are the second and third elements of the numbers array.

Array slice Array slice

The syntax for array slices is very similar to that of string slices. You specify the starting index (inclusive) and the ending index (exclusive) within square brackets, separated by two dots (..).

Here are a few more examples to demonstrate the flexibility of array slices:

let complete_slice = &numbers[..];   // Slice of the entire array
let from_start_slice = &numbers[..3]; // Slice from start to index 3 (exclusive)
let to_end_slice = &numbers[2..];    // Slice from index 2 to the end

Slices are not limited to strings; they can be used with arrays as well, providing a flexible way to work with sequences of data.


In this lesson, we explored string slices and their connection to the String type. We demonstrated how slices can be used with arrays to reference specific portions of data without copying it.

String slices are a powerful feature in Rust, enabling you to efficiently work with segments of strings while maintaining data integrity and adhering to ownership rules. This approach helps to optimize memory usage and ensures the safe management of string data in your applications.

In the next lesson, we're going to learn about structs and enums, which are custom data types that enable you to define your own data structures and models. These are fundamental concepts in Rust, and mastering them will assist you in creating more complex and robust applications.