Methods on Enums

Enums in Rust can have associated functions and methods, just like structs. These methods make it easier to encapsulate behavior directly within the enum.

In this challenge, you'll model the statuses of different vehicles and implement methods to describe their behavior.

Your Task

Create an enum VehicleStatus with the following variants:

  1. Parked — a unit variant representing a parked vehicle.
  2. Driving { speed: u32 } — a named field variant representing a vehicle driving at a certain speed.
  3. BrokenDown(String) — a tuple variant with a String describing the reason for the breakdown.

Implement the following methods for VehicleStatus:

  • is_operational(&self) -> bool:

    • Returns true if the vehicle is either Parked or Driving.
    • Returns false if the vehicle is BrokenDown.
  • description(&self) -> String:

    • Returns "The vehicle is parked." for Parked.
    • Returns "The vehicle is driving at {speed} km/h." for Driving { speed }.
    • Returns "The vehicle is broken down: {reason}." for BrokenDown(reason).


Click here to reveal hints
  • Use a match expression inside the methods to handle each variant.
  • Remember to use &self for the methods since they should not consume the enum.
  • Use format! to construct strings with dynamic values, such as speed and reason.