Complex Enums

Now that you have an overview of enums and it's possible variants, let's have a more complex example.

In this challenge, you will create an Animal enum that demonstrates all three types of variants.

Your Task

Create an enum Animal with the following variants:

  1. Unit Struct Variant:

    • Dog — represents a generic dog.
  2. Tuple Struct Variant:

    • Cat(String) — represents a cat, where the String contains the cat's name.
  3. Named Field Struct Variant:

    • Bird { species: String, can_fly: bool } — represents a bird with its species and whether it can fly.

Write a function describe_animal that takes a reference to an Animal and returns a String description based on the variant:

  • For Dog, return "A friendly dog.".
  • For Cat(name), return "A cat named {name}.".
  • For Bird { species, can_fly }, return:
    • "A {species} that can fly." if can_fly is true.
    • "A {species} that cannot fly." if can_fly is false.


Click here to reveal hints
  • Use the match statement to destructure tuple and named field variants.
  • String formatting with format! makes it easy to include dynamic values in your description.