
Slices are one of Rust's most versatile and powerful tools for working with collections of data. A slice is a view into a contiguous sequence of elements in a collection, allowing you to operate on a subset of the data without needing to copy it.

In this challenge, you will work with slices to find the largest number in a given range of a slice. Slices allow you to efficiently access and process subsets of arrays and vectors. Your task is to write a function that handles edge cases like empty slices and returns the largest number where possible.

Your task

Implement the function find_largest_in_slice(slice: &[i32]) -> Option<i32> that takes an immutable slice of integers and returns the largest integer in the slice. If the slice is empty, return None.

Slices provide various methods that can help you work efficiently, such as iterators and bounds checking.


  • The function should return Some(i32) with the largest element in the slice if the slice is not empty.
  • If the slice is empty, the function should return None.
  • The function can not modify the input slice.


If you're stuck, here are some hints to help you solve the challenge:

Click here to reveal hints
  • Use the .iter() method on slices to create an iterator over the elements.
  • Consider using the .max() method provided by iterators to find the largest value.
  • If using .max(), remember to handle the Option it returns, as an empty iterator will yield None.