In this challenge, you will implement a maze solver in Rust. A maze can be represented as a grid where each cell is either an open path or a wall. The goal is to navigate from a starting point to an ending point using the shortest path possible. This problem will test your understanding of control flow in Rust, including loops, conditionals, and possibly recursion.
Your task is to write a function solve_maze
that takes a 2D vector of characters representing the maze and two tuples representing the start and end points. The maze will be given as a grid of characters where 'S'
represents the start, 'E'
represents the end, '.'
represents an open path, and '#'
represents a wall.
The function should return a vector of tuples representing the path from start to end if a path exists, or an empty vector if no path exists.
and one 'E'
.In the example above, we start from 'S'
at (0, 0)
, the first move would be going to the right (0, 1)
, then down (1, 1)
, and so on until we reach the end at (4, 3)
Did You Know?
Maze solving algorithms are not just for games. They are used in robotics for pathfinding, in computer networks for routing, and in various optimization problems. Algorithms such as Depth-First Search (DFS), Breadth-First Search (BFS), and A* are commonly used to solve these problems efficiently.
: A double-ended queue from the std::collections
module, which is useful for implementing a queue for BFS. Methods like push_back
and pop_front
will be helpful.Indexing:
for indices and be cautious with arithmetic operations to avoid overflow. The wrapping_add
method can help with safe arithmetic.2D Vector Initialization:
and path
tracking. Use nested vec!
macros for creating the initial structure.Backtracking Path:
vector to reconstruct the path from end to start. Collect these coordinates in a vector and reverse it to get the path from start to end.Boundary Checks:
) or already visited.ludovicknecht
pub fn solve_maze( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { let mut maze_solver = MazeSolver::new(maze, start, end); maze_solver.solve_maze()}type Cell = (usize, usize);pub enum Outcome { StepsIndexes(Vec<u128>), EndIndex(u128), NoSolution,}pub struct Step<T> { from_index: Option<u128>, pub to: T,}impl<T> Step<T> { pub fn new(from_index: u128, to: T) -> Self { Step { from_index: Some(from_index), to } }}struct MazeSolver { maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: Cell, end: Cell, visited: Vec<Vec<bool>>, paths: Vec<Step<Cell>>, length: usize, width: usize,}impl MazeSolver { pub fn new(maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: Cell, end: Cell) -> Self { Self { maze, start, end, visited: Vec::new(), paths: Vec::new(), length: 0, width: 0, } } fn init(&mut self) { self.length = self.maze.len(); self.width = self.maze[0].len(); self.visited = vec![vec![false; self.width]; self.length]; self.visited[self.start.0][self.start.1] = true; self.paths.push(Step::<Cell> {from_index: None, to: self.start}); } fn is_cell_available(&self, cell: &Cell) -> bool { self.maze[cell.0][cell.1] != '#' && self.visited[cell.0][cell.1] == false } fn add_cell_if_available(&mut self, cell: &Cell, cells: &mut Vec<Cell>) { if self.is_cell_available(&cell) { self.visited[cell.0][cell.1] = true; cells.push(*cell); } } fn get_next_cells_for_single_cell(&mut self, current: &Cell) -> Vec<Cell> { let mut cells: Vec<Cell> = Vec::new(); if current.0 > 0 { let cell = (current.0 - 1, current.1); self.add_cell_if_available(&cell, &mut cells); } if current.0 < self.length - 1 { let cell = (current.0 + 1, current.1); self.add_cell_if_available(&cell, &mut cells); } if current.1 > 0 { let cell = (current.0, current.1 - 1); self.add_cell_if_available(&cell, &mut cells); } if current.1 < self.width - 1 { let cell = (current.0, current.1 + 1); self.add_cell_if_available(&cell, &mut cells); } cells } fn get_next_steps_index(&mut self, current_indexes: &Vec<u128>) -> Outcome { let mut new_steps_indexes = Vec::<u128>::new(); let mut step_index = self.paths.len() as u128; let mut cells = Vec::<Cell>::new(); for index in current_indexes { cells.push(self.paths[*index as usize].to); } for (count, &cell) in cells.iter().enumerate() { let next_cells = self.get_next_cells_for_single_cell(&cell); for next_cell in next_cells { self.paths.push(Step::<Cell>::new( current_indexes[count], next_cell)); new_steps_indexes.push(step_index); if next_cell == self.end { return Outcome::EndIndex(step_index); } step_index += 1; } } if new_steps_indexes.len() == 0 { return Outcome::NoSolution; } Outcome::StepsIndexes(new_steps_indexes) } pub fn solve_maze(&mut self) -> Vec<Cell> { self.init(); let mut steps_indexes = Outcome::StepsIndexes(vec![0 as u128]); while let Outcome::StepsIndexes(indexes) = steps_indexes { steps_indexes = match self.get_next_steps_index(&indexes) { Outcome::StepsIndexes(new_indexes) => Outcome::StepsIndexes(new_indexes), Outcome::NoSolution => return Vec::new(), Outcome::EndIndex(end_index) => return self.compute_shortest_path(end_index), }; } Vec::new() } fn compute_shortest_path(&self, end_index: u128) -> Vec<Cell> { let mut step = &self.paths[end_index as usize]; let mut shortest_path = vec![]; let mut from_index = step.from_index; while let Some(i) = from_index { step = &self.paths[i as usize]; shortest_path.push(; from_index = step.from_index; } shortest_path.reverse(); shortest_path }}
use std::collections::{HashMap, VecDeque};pub fn solve_maze( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { // Your code here let directions = [(1i64, 0i64), (0i64, 1i64), (-1i64, 0i64), (0i64, -1i64)]; let mut queue = VecDeque::new(); let mut visited = HashMap::new(); visited.insert(start, None::<(usize, usize)>); queue.push_back(start); while let Some(entry) = queue.pop_front() { if entry == end { break; } directions.iter().for_each(|direction| { let rownr = entry.0 as i64 + direction.0; let colnr = entry.1 as i64 + direction.1; if rownr < 0 || colnr < 0 { return; } if visited.contains_key(&(rownr as usize, colnr as usize)) { return; } if let Some(row) = maze.get(rownr as usize) { if let Some(cell) = row.get(colnr as usize) { if *cell != '#' { visited.insert((rownr as usize, colnr as usize), Some(entry)); queue.push_back((rownr as usize, colnr as usize)); } } } }); } let mut key = end; let mut path = Vec::with_capacity(visited.len()); while let Some(entry) = visited.get_key_value(&key) { path.push(*entry.0); if entry.1.is_none() { break; } key = entry.1.expect("will never fail"); } path.reverse(); if visited.contains_key(&end) { path } else { vec![] }}
pub fn solve_maze( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { // Your code here let height = maze.len(); let width = maze[0].len(); let mut visited = maze.to_vec(); let mut path = vec![vec![-1; width]; height]; let d4: Vec<(i32, i32)> = vec![(-1, 0), (0, -1), (1, 0), (0, 1)]; // for line in maze { // println!("{:?}", line); // } visited[start.0][start.1] = '#'; let mut vd = std::collections::VecDeque::new(); vd.push_back(start); // println!("end ----> {:?}", end); let mut step = -1; let mut arrived = false; while vd.len() > 0 { let point = vd.pop_front().unwrap(); for i in 0..4 { let x = point.1.wrapping_add(d4[i].1 as usize); let y = point.0.wrapping_add(d4[i].0 as usize); if x >= width || y >= height { continue; } if visited[y][x] == '.' { vd.push_back((y, x)); visited[y][x] = '#'; path[y][x] = path[point.0][point.1] + 1; step = path[point.0][point.1] + 1; // println!("path[{}][{}] ----> {}", y, x, path[y][x]); } if (y, x) == end { arrived = true; } } } if arrived == false { return vec![]; } path[end.0][end.1] = step + 1; // println!("path[{}][{}] ----> {}", end.0, end.1, path[end.0][end.1]); // for line in path.clone().into_iter() { // println!("{:?}", line); // } let mut route = std::collections::VecDeque::new(); route.push_front((end.0, end.1)); let mut x = end.1; let mut y = end.0; let mut cur_step = path[end.0][end.1]; for _i in (0..path[y][x]).rev() { // println!("i -------> {:?}", i); let mut cur_point = (0, 0); for j in 0..4 { let temp_x = x.wrapping_add(d4[j].1 as usize); let temp_y = y.wrapping_add(d4[j].0 as usize); if temp_x >= width || temp_y >= height { continue; } // choose smallest step if path[temp_y][temp_x] == -1 { continue; } // println!("cur_step ----> {}", cur_step); // println!("path[temp_y][temp_x] ----> {}", path[temp_y][temp_x]); if path[temp_y][temp_x] < cur_step { cur_step = path[temp_y][temp_x]; cur_point = (temp_y, temp_x); } } if cur_point == start { break; } x = cur_point.1; y = cur_point.0; route.push_front(cur_point); } route.push_front((start.0, start.1)); Vec::from(route)}
use std::collections::VecDeque;pub fn solve_maze( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { const ROAD: char = '.'; const GOAL: char = 'E'; let rows = maze.len(); let cols = maze[0].len(); let mut queue = VecDeque::new(); queue.push_back((start.0, start.1, vec![start])); let mut visited = vec![]; while queue.len() > 0 { if let Some((x, y, routes)) = queue.pop_front() { if (x, y) == end { return routes } for allow in ["R", "L", "U", "D"] { let (nx, ny) = match allow { "R" => { (x.wrapping_add(1), y) }, "L" => { (x.wrapping_sub(1), y) }, "U" => { (x, y.wrapping_sub(1)) }, "D" => { (x, y.wrapping_add(1)) }, _ => {panic!("error")} }; if nx < rows && ny < cols && (maze[nx][ny] == ROAD || maze[nx][ny] == GOAL) && !visited.contains(&(nx, ny)) { visited.push((nx, ny)); let mut new_routes = routes.clone(); new_routes.push((nx, ny)); queue.push_back((nx, ny, new_routes)); } } } } vec![]}
pub fn solve_maze( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, // (y, x) start: (usize, usize), // (y, x) end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { // Your code here let height = maze.len(); if height == 0 { return vec![]; // FIXME This function should return a Result, not always Vec. } let width = maze[0].len(); if width == 0 { return vec![]; // FIXME ibid } let is_ragged = maze.iter().any(|row| row.len() != width); if is_ragged { return vec![]; // FIXME ibid } if start.0 >= height || start.1 >= width { return vec![]; // FIXME ibid } if end.0 >= height || end.1 >= width { return vec![]; // FIXME ibid } let Some(distances) = measure_distances(&maze, start, end) else { return vec![]; /* FIXME ibid */ }; let shortest_path = shortest_path(&maze, &distances, end); shortest_path}const WALL: char = '#';fn measure_distances( maze: &Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Option<Vec<Vec<u32>>> { let height = maze.len(); let width = maze[0].len(); let mut distances = vec![vec![0; width]; height]; for (m_row, d_row) in maze.iter().zip(distances.iter_mut()) { for (t, d) in m_row.iter().zip(d_row.iter_mut()) { if *t == WALL { *d = u32::MAX; } } } // Why use a VecDeque/counter when swapping buffers is harder to break? let mut active = vec![]; active.push(start); let mut future = vec![]; let mut steps = 0; let mut can_reach_end = false; while !active.is_empty() { for (y, x) in active.drain(..) { if (y, x) == end { can_reach_end = true; } if distances[y][x] > 0 { continue; } distances[y][x] = steps; for (xx, yy) in NeighborIterator::new(height, width, x, y, false) { // reduces churn if distances[yy][xx] > 0 { continue; } future.push((yy, xx)); } } std::mem::swap(&mut active, &mut future); steps += 1; } distances[start.1][start.0] = 0; // avoids condition in loop can_reach_end.then_some(distances)}fn shortest_path( maze: &Vec<Vec<char>>, distances: &Vec<Vec<u32>>, end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { let height = maze.len(); let width = maze[0].len(); let mut retval = vec![end]; loop { let (y, x) = retval.last().unwrap().clone(); let d = distances[y][x]; if d == 0 { // proxy for start break; } for (xx, yy) in NeighborIterator::new(height, width, x, y, false) { let dd = distances[yy][xx]; if d - 1 == dd { retval.push((yy, xx)); break; } } } retval.reverse(); retval}//region Iterator over neighboring tiles in a grid; four- or eight-connected.struct NeighborIterator { height: isize, width: isize, x: isize, y: isize, scan_index: usize, connect: usize,}impl NeighborIterator { fn new( height: usize, width: usize, x: usize, y: usize, is_eight_connected: bool, ) -> NeighborIterator { Self { height: height as isize, width: width as isize, x: x as isize, y: y as isize, scan_index: 0, connect: 4 * (is_eight_connected as usize + 1), } } const OFFSETS4: [(isize, isize); 4] = [(0, -1), (-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, 1)]; const OFFSETS8: [(isize, isize); 8] = [ (-1, -1), (0, -1), (1, -1), (-1, 0), /*0,0*/ (1, 0), (-1, 1), (0, 1), (1, 1), ];}impl Iterator for NeighborIterator { type Item = (usize, usize); fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> { while self.scan_index < self.connect { let (dx, dy) = match self.connect { 4 => NeighborIterator::OFFSETS4[self.scan_index].clone(), 8 => NeighborIterator::OFFSETS8[self.scan_index].clone(), _ => unreachable!(), }; self.scan_index += 1; let c = (self.x + dx, self.y + dy); let can_dx = 0 <= c.0 && c.0 < self.width; let can_dy = 0 <= c.1 && c.1 < self.height; if can_dx && can_dy { return Some((c.0 as usize, c.1 as usize)); } } None }}//endregion
use std::collections::VecDeque;pub fn solve_maze( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { let mut queue = VecDeque::new(); let mut visited = vec![vec![false; maze[0].len()]; maze.len()]; let mut path = vec![vec![None; maze[0].len()]; maze.len()]; let dirs = [(0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0)]; visited[start.0][start.1] = true; queue.push_back(start); while let Some(current) = queue.pop_front() { if current == end { // Found let mut p = vec![]; let mut current = Some(end); while let Some(c) = current { p.push(c); current = path[c.0][c.1]; } p.reverse(); return p; } else { // Visit let (x, y) = current; for &(dx, dy) in &dirs { let nx = x.wrapping_add_signed(dx); let ny = y.wrapping_add_signed(dy); if nx < maze.len() && ny < maze[0].len() && maze[nx][ny] != '#' && !visited[nx][ny] { path[nx][ny] = Some((x, y)); visited[nx][ny] = true; queue.push_back((nx, ny)); } } } } // Not Found vec![]}
pub fn solve_maze( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { // Your code here use std::collections::VecDeque; let mut queue = VecDeque::new(); let mut visited = vec![vec![false; maze[0].len()]; maze.len()]; let mut path = vec![vec![None; maze[0].len()]; maze.len()]; let dirs = [(0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0)]; visited[start.0][start.1] = true; queue.push_back(start); while let Some(current) = queue.pop_front() { if current == end { // Found let mut p = vec![]; let mut current = Some(end); while let Some(c) = current { p.push(c); current = path[c.0][c.1]; } p.reverse(); return p; } else { // Visit let (x, y) = current; for &(dx, dy) in &dirs { let nx = x.wrapping_add_signed(dx); let ny = y.wrapping_add_signed(dy); if nx < maze.len() && ny < maze[0].len() && maze[nx][ny] != '#' && !visited[nx][ny] { path[nx][ny] = Some((x, y)); visited[nx][ny] = true; queue.push_back((nx, ny)); } } } } // Not Found vec![]}
pub fn solve_maze( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { // Your code here let mut visited = vec![vec![false; maze[0].len()]; maze.len()]; let mut path = Vec::new(); let mut best_path = Vec::new(); search_path(&maze, &mut visited, start, end, &mut path, &mut best_path); best_path}fn search_path(maze: &Vec<Vec<char>>, visited: &mut Vec<Vec<bool>>, position: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize), path: &mut Vec<(usize, usize)>, best_path: &mut Vec<(usize, usize)>,) { if position.0 >= maze.len() || position.1 >= maze[0].len() || maze[position.0][position.1] == '#' || visited[position.0][position.1] { return; } path.push(position); visited[position.0][position.1] = true; if position == end { if best_path.is_empty() || path.len() < best_path.len() { best_path.clear(); best_path.extend_from_slice(path); } } else{ let directions = vec![(0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1), (-1, 0)]; for direction in directions { let new_position = ( position.0 as i32 + direction.0, position.1 as i32 + direction.1, ); if new_position.0 >= 0 && new_position.1 >= 0 { search_path( maze, visited, (new_position.0 as usize, new_position.1 as usize), end, path, best_path, ); } } } path.pop(); visited[position.0][position.1] = false;}
pub fn solve_maze( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { // Your code here let mut result = vec![vec![start]]; loop { let old_result = result.clone(); result = result .iter() .flat_map(|path| { [(1, 0), (-1, 0), (0, 1), (0, -1)] .into_iter() .filter_map(|(drow, dcol)| { let (r, c) = path.iter().last()?; let (r2, c2) = (r.wrapping_add_signed(drow), c.wrapping_add_signed(dcol)); let next = maze.get(r2).and_then(|row| row.get(c2))?; if matches!(next, 'E' | '.') && !path.contains(&(r2, c2)) { let mut new_path = path.clone(); new_path.push((r2, c2)); Some(new_path) } else { None } }) }) .collect(); if result .iter() .any(|path| path.last().is_some_and(|l| *l == end)) || result == old_result { break result .into_iter() .find(|path| path.last() == Some(&end)) .unwrap_or(vec![]); } }}
pub fn solve_maze( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { // Your code here let mut visited = vec![vec![false; maze[0].len()]; maze.len()]; let mut path = Vec::new(); let mut best_path = Vec::new(); search_path(&maze, &mut visited, start, end, &mut path, &mut best_path); best_path}fn search_path( maze: &Vec<Vec<char>>, visited: &mut Vec<Vec<bool>>, position: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize), path: &mut Vec<(usize, usize)>, best_path: &mut Vec<(usize, usize)>,) { if position.0 >= maze.len() || position.1 >= maze[0].len() || maze[position.0][position.1] == '#' || visited[position.0][position.1] { return; } path.push(position); visited[position.0][position.1] = true; if position == end { if best_path.is_empty() || path.len() < best_path.len() { best_path.clear(); best_path.extend_from_slice(path); } } else { let directions = vec![(0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1), (-1, 0)]; for direction in directions { let new_position = ( position.0 as i32 + direction.0, position.1 as i32 + direction.1, ); if new_position.0 >= 0 && new_position.1 >= 0 { search_path( maze, visited, (new_position.0 as usize, new_position.1 as usize), end, path, best_path, ); } } } path.pop(); visited[position.0][position.1] = false;}
fn dfs( maze: &Vec<Vec<char>>, states: &mut Vec<Vec<bool>>, (x, y): (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize), path: &mut Vec<(usize, usize)>) -> bool { path.push((x, y)); states[x][y] = true; if (x, y) == end { return true; } let (r, c) = (maze.len(), maze[0].len()); let neighbors = vec![(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1)].into_iter() .filter_map(|(dx, dy)| { let nx = (x as i32) + dx; let ny = (y as i32) + dy; if nx < 0 || ny < 0 { return None; } let (nx, ny) = (nx as usize, ny as usize); if nx < r && ny < c && maze[nx][ny] != '#' { Some((nx, ny)) } else { None } }) .filter(|&(nx, ny)| !states[nx][ny]) .collect::<Vec<_>>(); for n in neighbors { if dfs(maze, states, n, end, path) { return true; } } path.pop(); return false;}pub fn solve_maze( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { let (r, c) = (maze.len(), maze[0].len()); let mut path = Vec::new(); let mut states = vec![vec![false; c]; r]; if dfs(&maze, &mut states, start, end, &mut path) { path } else { Vec::new() }}
fn dfs( maze: &Vec<Vec<char>>, states: &mut Vec<Vec<bool>>, (x, y): (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize), path: &mut Vec<(usize, usize)>) -> bool { path.push((x, y)); states[x][y] = true; if (x, y) == end { return true; } let (r, c) = (maze.len(), maze[0].len()); let neighbors = vec![(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1)].into_iter() .filter_map(|(dx, dy)| { let nx = (x as i32) + dx; let ny = (y as i32) + dy; if nx < 0 || ny < 0 { return None; } let (nx, ny) = (nx as usize, ny as usize); if nx < r && ny < c && maze[nx][ny] != '#' { Some((nx, ny)) } else { None } }) .filter(|&(nx, ny)| !states[nx][ny]) .collect::<Vec<_>>(); for n in neighbors { if dfs(maze, states, n, end, path) { return true; } } path.pop(); return false;}pub fn solve_maze( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { let (r, c) = (maze.len(), maze[0].len()); let mut path = Vec::new(); let mut states = vec![vec![false; c]; r]; if dfs(&maze, &mut states, start, end, &mut path) { path } else { Vec::new() }}
pub fn solve_maze( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), _end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { solve_maze_inner(&maze, start, vec![start], vec![])}pub fn solve_maze_inner( maze: &Vec<Vec<char>>, current: (usize, usize), path: Vec<(usize, usize)>, mut visited: Vec<(usize, usize)>,) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { let (cur_y, cur_x) = current; if maze[cur_y][cur_x] == 'E' { return path; } else if visited.contains(¤t) { return vec![]; } else if maze[cur_y][cur_x] == '#' { return vec![]; } visited.push(current); let mut paths: Vec<Vec<(usize, usize)>> = vec![]; if maze[cur_y].len() - 1 > cur_x { let step = (cur_y, cur_x + 1); let mut new_path = path.clone(); new_path.push(step); paths.push(solve_maze_inner(&maze, step, new_path, visited.clone())); } if cur_x > 0 { let step = (cur_y, cur_x - 1); let mut new_path = path.clone(); new_path.push(step); paths.push(solve_maze_inner(&maze, step, new_path, visited.clone())); } if maze.len() - 1 > cur_y { let step = (cur_y + 1, cur_x); let mut new_path = path.clone(); new_path.push(step); paths.push(solve_maze_inner(&maze, step, new_path, visited.clone())); } if cur_y > 0 { let step = (cur_y - 1, cur_x); let mut new_path = path.clone(); new_path.push(step); paths.push(solve_maze_inner(&maze, step, new_path, visited.clone())); } paths .into_iter() .reduce(|a, b| { if a.is_empty() { b } else if b.is_empty() { a } else if a.len() <= b.len() { a } else { b } }) .unwrap()}
pub fn solve_maze( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { use std::collections::VecDeque; let directions = [(0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1), (-1, 0)]; let mut queue = VecDeque::new(); let mut visited = vec![vec![false; maze[0].len()]; maze.len()]; let mut path = vec![vec![None; maze[0].len()]; maze.len()]; queue.push_back(start); visited[start.0][start.1] = true; while let Some((x, y)) = queue.pop_front() { if (x, y) == end { let mut p = vec![]; let mut current = Some((x, y)); while let Some(c) = current { p.push(c); current = path[c.0][c.1]; } p.reverse(); return p; } for &(dx, dy) in &directions { let nx = x.wrapping_add(dx as usize); let ny = y.wrapping_add(dy as usize); if nx < maze.len() && ny < maze[0].len() && maze[nx][ny] != '#' && !visited[nx][ny] { queue.push_back((nx, ny)); visited[nx][ny] = true; path[nx][ny] = Some((x, y)); } } } vec![]}
pub fn solve_maze( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { use std::collections::VecDeque; let directions = [(0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1), (-1, 0)]; let mut queue = VecDeque::new(); let mut visited = vec![vec![false; maze[0].len()]; maze.len()]; let mut path = vec![vec![None; maze[0].len()]; maze.len()]; queue.push_back(start); visited[start.0][start.1] = true; while let Some((x, y)) = queue.pop_front() { if (x, y) == end { let mut p = vec![]; let mut current = Some((x, y)); while let Some(c) = current { p.push(c); current = path[c.0][c.1]; } p.reverse(); return p; } for &(dx, dy) in &directions { let nx = x.wrapping_add(dx as usize); let ny = y.wrapping_add(dy as usize); if nx < maze.len() && ny < maze[0].len() && maze[nx][ny] != '#' && !visited[nx][ny] { queue.push_back((nx, ny)); visited[nx][ny] = true; path[nx][ny] = Some((x, y)); } } } vec![]}
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]pub struct Pos { col: usize, row: usize,}impl Pos { pub fn west(&self, maze: &Maze) -> Option<Self> { if self.col == 0 { return None; } let pos = Pos::from((self.col - 1, self.row)); if maze.is_walkable(&pos) { Some(pos) } else { None } } pub fn east(&self, maze: &Maze) -> Option<Self> { let pos = Pos::from((self.col + 1, self.row)); if maze.is_walkable(&pos) { Some(pos) } else { None } } pub fn north(&self, maze: &Maze) -> Option<Self> { if self.row == 0 { return None; } let pos = Pos::from((self.col, self.row - 1)); if maze.is_walkable(&pos) { Some(pos) } else { None } } pub fn south(&self, maze: &Maze) -> Option<Self> { let pos = Pos::from((self.col, self.row + 1)); if maze.is_walkable(&pos) { Some(pos) } else { None } }}impl From<(usize, usize)> for Pos { fn from(source: (usize, usize)) -> Self { Self { col: source.0, row: source.1, } }}pub struct Maze { data: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: Pos, _end: Pos, dimensions: (usize, usize),}impl Maze { pub fn new(data: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: Pos, _end: Pos) -> Result<Self, String> { if data.len() < 1 { return Err("Illegal Size".into()); } Ok(Self { dimensions: (data.len(), data[0].len()), data, start, _end, }) } pub fn get_pos(&self, pos: &Pos) -> Option<char> { .get(pos.row)? .get(pos.col) .copied() } pub fn is_walkable(&self, pos: &Pos) -> bool { pos.col < self.dimensions.1 && pos.row < self.dimensions.0 && self.get_pos(pos).is_some_and(|c| c != '#') } pub fn is_exit(&self, pos: &Pos) -> bool { self.is_walkable(pos) && self.get_pos(pos).is_some_and(|l| l == 'E') }}pub fn next_step(maze: &Maze, current_pos: Pos, mut path: Vec<Pos>) -> Vec<Vec<Pos>> { // Avoid loops if path.contains(¤t_pos) { return vec![]; } if maze.is_exit(¤t_pos) { println!("Found a way to exit!: {:?}", ¤t_pos); path.push(current_pos); return vec![path]; } // Try each direction let next_steps: Vec<Pos> = vec![ current_pos.east(&maze), current_pos.west(&maze), current_pos.north(&maze), current_pos.south(&maze), ] .into_iter() .filter_map(|x| x) .collect(); path.push(current_pos); let mut result: Vec<Vec<Pos>> = vec![]; for next_pos in next_steps { let next_paths: Vec<Vec<Pos>> = next_step(maze, next_pos, path.clone()) .into_iter() .filter(|x| x.len() > 0) .collect(); for next_path in next_paths { result.push(next_path); } } result}pub fn solve_maze(maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize)) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { let maze: Maze = Maze::new(maze, start.into(), end.into()).expect("Expected valid grid."); let mut paths = next_step(&maze, maze.start.clone(), vec![]); println!("Found {} paths.",paths.len()); paths.sort_by_key(|x| x.len()); let winner = paths.get(0); match winner { None => Vec::<(usize, usize)>::new(), Some(path) => path.into_iter().map(|x| (x.row, x.col)).collect(), } // recursively step}
use std::collections::{HashMap, VecDeque};pub fn solve_maze( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { let mut q = VecDeque::new(); let mut prev = HashMap::new(); q.push_front(start); prev.insert(start, (usize::MAX, usize::MAX)); while let Some(pos) = q.pop_back() { if pos.0 > 0 { let up = (pos.0 - 1, pos.1); if !prev.contains_key(&up) && maze[up.0][up.1] != '#' { prev.insert(up, pos); if up == end { break; } q.push_front(up); } } if pos.1 < maze[0].len() - 1 { let right = (pos.0, pos.1 + 1); if !prev.contains_key(&right) && maze[right.0][right.1] != '#' { prev.insert(right, pos); if right == end { break; } q.push_front(right); } } if pos.0 < maze.len() - 1 { let down = (pos.0 + 1, pos.1); if !prev.contains_key(&down) && maze[down.0][down.1] != '#' { prev.insert(down, pos); if down == end { break; } q.push_front(down); } } if pos.1 > 0 { let left = (pos.0, pos.1 - 1); if !prev.contains_key(&left) && maze[left.0][left.1] != '#' { prev.insert(left, pos); if left == end { break; } q.push_front(left); } } } if !prev.contains_key(&end) { return vec![]; }; let mut path = Vec::new(); path.push(end); loop { let before = prev[&path[path.len() - 1]]; path.push(before); if before == start { break; } } path.reverse(); path}
use std::collections::{BinaryHeap, HashMap, hash_map::Entry};pub fn solve_maze( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { dbg!(&maze, start, end); let maze = Maze::new(maze, start, end); let heuristic = |pos| taxicab_distance(pos, end); let mut to_visit = BinaryHeap::from([ VisitNode::new(start, 0, heuristic), ]); let mut scores = HashMap::from([ (start, 0) ]); let mut previous_pos = HashMap::new(); while let Some(current) = to_visit.pop() { if current.pos == end { return reconstruct_path(&previous_pos, end); } let current_score = scores[¤t.pos]; for neighbor in maze.neighbors(current.pos) { let tentative_score = current_score + taxicab_distance(current.pos, neighbor); dbg!(neighbor, tentative_score); match scores.entry(neighbor) { Entry::Occupied(o) if &tentative_score >= o.get() => continue, neighbor_score => { previous_pos.insert(neighbor, current.pos); *neighbor_score.or_default() = tentative_score; to_visit.retain(|node| node.pos != neighbor); to_visit.push( VisitNode::new( neighbor, tentative_score, heuristic, ), ); } } } } // dead end vec![]}fn reconstruct_path( previous_pos: &HashMap<(usize,usize),(usize, usize)>, mut current: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { let mut path = vec![current]; while let Some(&prev) = previous_pos.get(¤t) { current = prev; path.push(current); } path.reverse(); path}fn taxicab_distance( (start_r, start_c): (usize, usize), (end_r, end_c): (usize, usize),) -> usize { // taxi-cab distance start_r.abs_diff(end_r) + start_c.abs_diff(end_c)}#[derive(Debug,Clone,PartialEq,Eq,Ord)]struct VisitNode{ pos: (usize, usize), heuristic_score: usize}impl VisitNode { fn new( pos: (usize, usize), score: usize, heuristic: impl Fn((usize,usize)) -> usize, ) -> Self { Self { pos, heuristic_score: score + heuristic(pos), } }}// impl PartialEq<(usize, usize)> for VisitNode {// fn eq(&self, other: &(usize,usize)) -> bool {// &self.pos == other// }// }impl PartialOrd for VisitNode { fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> { self.heuristic_score.partial_cmp(&other.heuristic_score) .map(|ord| ord.reverse()) }}struct Maze(Vec<Vec<char>>);impl Maze { fn new( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize), ) -> Self { let maze = Self(maze); assert_eq!( maze.get(start), Some('S'), "start position doesn't match maze", ); assert_eq!( maze.get(end), Some('E'), "end position doesn't match maze", ); maze } fn get(&self, (row, col): (usize, usize)) -> Option<char> { self.0.get(row)?.get(col).copied() } fn is_path(&self, pos: (usize, usize)) -> bool { !matches!(self.get(pos), None | Some('#')) } fn neighbors( &self, (row, col): (usize, usize), ) -> impl Iterator<Item = (usize, usize)> { let above = row.checked_sub(1) .map(|row| (row, col)) .filter(|&pos| self.is_path(pos)); let below = row.checked_add(1) .map(|row| (row, col)) .filter(|&pos| self.is_path(pos)); let left = col.checked_sub(1) .map(|col| (row, col)) .filter(|&pos| self.is_path(pos)); let right = col.checked_add(1) .map(|col| (row, col)) .filter(|&pos| self.is_path(pos)); [above, below, left, right].into_iter().flatten() }}
use std::collections::HashMap;fn neighbor(inp : (usize, usize), max_x : usize, max_y : usize) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { let mut res = Vec::new(); for (diff_x, diff_y) in [(0, 1), (0, -1), (-1, 0), (1, 0)] { let (inp_1i, inp_2i) = (inp.0 as isize, inp.1 as isize); let (res_1, res_2) = (inp_1i + diff_x, inp_2i + diff_y); if res_1 >= 0 && res_1 < max_x as isize && res_2 >= 0 && res_2 < max_y as isize { res.push((res_1 as usize, res_2 as usize)) } } res}fn reverse_move(passive : HashMap<(usize, usize), (usize, usize)>, last_act : (usize, usize), start : (usize, usize), end : (usize, usize)) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { let mut res = Vec::new(); let mut cur : (usize, usize) = last_act; loop { res.push(cur); cur = passive.get(&cur).unwrap().clone(); if cur == start { res.push(start); let mut pre_end = res.into_iter().rev().collect::<Vec<_>>(); pre_end.push(end); return pre_end } }}pub fn solve_maze( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { let max_x = maze.len(); let max_y = maze[0].len(); let mut new_active : HashMap<(usize, usize), (usize, usize)> = HashMap::new(); new_active.insert(start, start); let mut active : HashMap<(usize, usize), (usize, usize)> = HashMap::new(); let mut passive : HashMap<(usize, usize), (usize, usize)> = HashMap::new(); loop { active.clear(); for (k, v) in new_active.iter() { active.insert(k.clone(), v.clone()); } new_active.clear(); if active.len() == 0 { return vec![]; } for (k, v) in active.iter() { passive.insert(k.clone(), v.clone()); } for (ux, uy) in active.keys() { for (cand_x, cand_y) in neighbor((*ux, *uy), max_x, max_y) { if ! passive.contains_key(&(cand_x, cand_y)) { if maze[cand_x][cand_y] == '.' { new_active.insert((cand_x, cand_y), (*ux, *uy)); } if maze[cand_x][cand_y] == 'E' { return reverse_move(passive, (*ux, *uy), start, end) } } } } }}
use std::collections::{HashMap, VecDeque};pub fn solve_maze( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { let mut q = VecDeque::new(); let mut prev = HashMap::new(); q.push_front(start); prev.insert(start, (usize::MAX, usize::MAX)); while let Some(pos) = q.pop_back() { if pos.0 > 0 { let up = (pos.0 - 1, pos.1); if !prev.contains_key(&up) && maze[up.0][up.1] != '#' { prev.insert(up, pos); if up == end { break; } q.push_front(up); } } if pos.1 < maze[0].len() - 1 { let right = (pos.0, pos.1 + 1); if !prev.contains_key(&right) && maze[right.0][right.1] != '#' { prev.insert(right, pos); if right == end { break; } q.push_front(right); } } if pos.0 < maze.len() - 1 { let down = (pos.0 + 1, pos.1); if !prev.contains_key(&down) && maze[down.0][down.1] != '#' { prev.insert(down, pos); if down == end { break; } q.push_front(down); } } if pos.1 > 0 { let left = (pos.0, pos.1 - 1); if !prev.contains_key(&left) && maze[left.0][left.1] != '#' { prev.insert(left, pos); if left == end { break; } q.push_front(left); } } } if !prev.contains_key(&end) { return vec![]; }; let mut path = Vec::new(); path.push(end); loop { let before = prev[&path[path.len() - 1]]; path.push(before); if before == start { break; } } path.reverse(); path}
type Cell = (usize, usize);pub fn solve_maze(maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: Cell, _end: Cell) -> Vec<Cell> { solve(&maze, start, &mut vec![]).unwrap_or_default()}fn solve(maze: &[Vec<char>], cell: Cell, visited: &mut Vec<Cell>) -> Option<Vec<Cell>> { match cell.0 >= maze.len() || cell.1 >= maze[0].len() || maze[cell.0][cell.1] == '#' || visited.contains(&cell) { true => None, false => match maze[cell.0][cell.1] == 'E' { true => Some(vec![cell]), false => { visited.push(cell); let neighbors = [ (cell.0.wrapping_sub(1), cell.1), (cell.0 + 1, cell.1), (cell.0, cell.1.wrapping_sub(1)), (cell.0, cell.1 + 1), ]; let all_paths = neighbors .into_iter() .map(|neighbor| solve(maze, neighbor, visited)) .filter_map(|path| path.is_some().then(|| path.unwrap())) .fold(Vec::new(), |mut paths, mut path| { path.insert(0, cell); paths.push(path); paths }); visited.pop(); all_paths.into_iter().min_by_key(|path| path.len()) } }, }}
type Cell = (usize, usize);pub fn solve_maze(maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: Cell, _end: Cell) -> Vec<Cell> { solve(&maze, start, &mut vec![]).unwrap_or_default()}fn solve(maze: &[Vec<char>], cell: Cell, visited: &mut Vec<Cell>) -> Option<Vec<Cell>> { match cell.0 >= maze.len() || cell.1 >= maze[0].len() || maze[cell.0][cell.1] == '#' || visited.contains(&cell) { true => None, false => match maze[cell.0][cell.1] == 'E' { true => Some(vec![cell]), false => { visited.push(cell); let neighbors = [ (cell.0.wrapping_sub(1), cell.1), (cell.0 + 1, cell.1), (cell.0, cell.1.wrapping_sub(1)), (cell.0, cell.1 + 1), ]; let all_paths = neighbors .into_iter() .fold(Vec::new(), |mut paths, neighbor| { if let Some(mut path) = solve(maze, neighbor, visited) { path.insert(0, cell); paths.push(path); } paths }); visited.pop(); all_paths.into_iter().min_by_key(|path| path.len()) } }, }}
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet, VecDeque};pub fn solve_maze( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { // Your code here let rows = maze.len(); // Y let cols = maze[0].len(); // X let is_valid = |row: isize, col: isize| -> bool { row >= 0 && col >= 0 && (row as usize) < rows && (col as usize) < cols && "SE.".contains(&maze[row as usize][col as usize].to_string()) }; let mut visited: HashSet<(usize, usize)> = HashSet::new(); let mut queue: VecDeque<(usize, usize)> = VecDeque::new(); let mut predecessors: HashMap<(usize, usize), (usize, usize)> = HashMap::new(); // Directions for moving in the maze: up, down, left, right let directions = [(0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0)]; visited.insert(start); queue.push_back(start); while let Some(current) = queue.pop_front() { // If we reach the end, reconstruct the path if current == end { let mut path = Vec::new(); let mut step = end; while step != start { path.push(step); step = predecessors[&step]; } path.push(start); // Add the starting point path.reverse(); // Reverse to get the correct order return path; } // Explore neighbors for (dr, dc) in directions.iter() { let neighbor = ( (current.0 as isize + dr) as usize, (current.1 as isize + dc) as usize, ); if is_valid(neighbor.0 as isize, neighbor.1 as isize) && visited.insert(neighbor) { predecessors.insert(neighbor, current); queue.push_back(neighbor); } } } // If the end is not found vec![]}
use std::collections::{ HashMap, VecDeque };fn get_field(maze: &Vec<Vec<char>>, pos: &(usize, usize)) -> char { let res = *maze.get(pos.0).unwrap_or(&vec![]).get(pos.1).unwrap_or(&'#'); println!(" Maze at {:?} is {:?}.", pos, res); res}pub fn solve_maze( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { let mut path: Vec<(usize, usize)> = vec![start]; if start == end { return path; } let mut todo: VecDeque<(usize, usize)> = VecDeque::new(); todo.push_back(end); let mut dist: HashMap<(usize, usize), usize> = HashMap::new(); dist.insert(end, 0); println!("Maze:\n{:?}", maze); while todo.len() > 0 { let pos = todo.pop_front().expect("todo list is empty"); let d = *dist.get(&pos).expect("no distance recorded for position"); println!("At {pos:?}, distance {d}."); if pos.0 > 0 { let pn = (pos.0 - 1, pos.1); let target = get_field(&maze, &pn); if dist.get(&pn).is_none() && target != '#' { println!(" Can reach {pn:?} in {} steps.", d + 1); dist.insert(pn, d + 1); todo.push_back(pn); } } let pn = (pos.0 + 1, pos.1); let target = get_field(&maze, &pn); if dist.get(&pn).is_none() && target != '#' { println!(" Can reach {pn:?} in {} steps.", d + 1); dist.insert(pn, d + 1); todo.push_back(pn); } if pos.1 > 0 { let pn = (pos.0, pos.1 - 1); let target = get_field(&maze, &pn); if dist.get(&pn).is_none() && target != '#' { println!(" Can reach {pn:?} in {} steps.", d + 1); dist.insert(pn, d + 1); todo.push_back(pn); } } let pn = (pos.0, pos.1 + 1); let target = get_field(&maze, &pn); if dist.get(&pn).is_none() && target != '#' { println!(" Can reach {pn:?} in {} steps.", d + 1); dist.insert(pn, d + 1); todo.push_back(pn); } } if dist.get(&start).is_none() { println!("Start not reached."); return vec![]; } let mut pos = start; while pos != end { println!("Stepping to {pos:?}."); let d = dist.get(&pos).expect("No distance assigned to location"); if pos.0 > 0 { let pn = (pos.0 - 1, pos.1); if dist.get(&pn).unwrap_or(&d) < d { path.push(pn); pos = pn; continue; } } let pn = (pos.0 + 1, pos.1); if dist.get(&pn).unwrap_or(d) < d { path.push(pn); pos = pn; continue; } if pos.1 > 0 { let pn = (pos.0, pos.1 - 1); if dist.get(&pn).unwrap_or(d) < d { path.push(pn); pos = pn; continue; } } let pn = (pos.0, pos.1 + 1); if dist.get(&pn).unwrap_or(d) < d { path.push(pn); pos = pn; continue; } } path}
pub fn solve_maze( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { // Your code here let max_x=maze[0].len(); let max_y=maze.len(); let mut distance=vec![vec![usize::MAX;max_x];max_y]; let mut visited=vec![vec![false;max_x];max_y]; let mut previous=vec![vec![None;max_x];max_y]; for i in 0..maze.len(){ for j in 0..maze[i].len(){ if maze[i][j]=='#'{ visited[i][j]=true; } } } distance[start.0][start.1]=0; previous[start.0][start.1]=Some((0,0)); while !visited[end.0][end.1]{ if let Some(next)=find_min_node(&distance,&visited){ visited[next.0][next.1]=true; let new_d=distance[next.0][next.1]+1; //right if next.1<max_x-1{ let x=next.1+1; let y=next.0; if !visited[y][x] && distance[y][x]>new_d { distance[y][x]=new_d; previous[y][x]=Some(next); } } //left if next.1>0{ let x=next.1-1; let y=next.0; if !visited[y][x] && distance[y][x]>new_d{ distance[y][x]=new_d; previous[y][x]=Some(next); } } //down if next.0<max_y-1{ let x=next.1; let y=next.0+1; if !visited[y][x] && distance[y][x]>new_d { distance[y][x]=new_d; previous[y][x]=Some(next); } } //up if next.0>0{ let x=next.1; let y=next.0-1; if !visited[y][x] && distance[y][x]>new_d { distance[y][x]=new_d; previous[y][x]=Some(next); } } }else{ break; } } let mut solution=vec![]; if previous[end.0][end.1].is_some(){ let mut last=end; while last!=start{ solution.push(last); last=previous[last.0][last.1].unwrap(); } solution.push(start); solution.reverse(); } return solution; }fn find_min_node(distance: &Vec<Vec<usize>>,visited: &Vec<Vec<bool>>)->Option<(usize,usize)>{ let mut ret=None; let mut min=usize::MAX; for i in 0..distance.len(){ for j in 0..distance[i].len(){ if distance[i][j]<min && !visited[i][j]{ min=distance[i][j]; ret=Some((i,j)); } } } return ret;}
use std::collections::{HashSet, VecDeque};use std::rc::Rc;use std::cell::RefCell;struct PathNode { pos: (usize, usize), prev: Option<Rc<RefCell<PathNode>>>,}pub fn solve_maze( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { let (m, n) = (maze.len(), maze[0].len()); let mut visited = HashSet::new(); visited.insert(start); let mut queue = VecDeque::new(); queue.push_back(Rc::new(RefCell::new(PathNode { pos: start, prev: None }))); while let Some(current) = queue.pop_front() { let (row, col) = current.borrow().pos; if (row, col) == end { return reconstruct_path(current); } for (new_row, new_col) in get_children((row, col), m, n) { if !visited.contains(&(new_row, new_col)) && maze[new_row][new_col] != '#' { visited.insert((new_row, new_col)); let new_node = Rc::new(RefCell::new(PathNode { pos: (new_row, new_col), prev: Some(Rc::clone(¤t)), })); queue.push_back(new_node); } } } vec![]}fn reconstruct_path(end_node: Rc<RefCell<PathNode>>) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { let mut path = Vec::new(); let mut current = Some(end_node); while let Some(node) = current { path.push(node.borrow().pos); current = node.borrow().prev.clone(); } path.reverse(); path}pub fn get_children(cell: (usize, usize), rows: usize, cols: usize) -> impl Iterator<Item = (usize, usize)> { const DIRS: [(i32, i32); 4] = [(1, 0), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (0, -1)]; DIRS.iter().filter_map(move |&(dx, dy)| { let new_row = cell.0 as i32 + dx; let new_col = cell.1 as i32 + dy; if new_row >= 0 && new_col >= 0 && new_row < rows as i32 && new_col < cols as i32 { Some((new_row as usize, new_col as usize)) } else { None } })}
use std::collections::VecDeque;use std::collections::HashSet;pub fn solve_maze( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { let (m, n) = (maze.len(),maze[0].len()); let mut visited:HashSet<(usize, usize)> = HashSet::new(); visited.insert(start); let mut queue:VecDeque<(usize, usize, Vec::<(usize, usize)>)> = VecDeque::new(); queue.push_back((start.0, start.1, vec![])); while queue.len() > 0 { let (row, col, path) = match queue.pop_front(){ Some((row,col, path)) => (row,col, path), None => return vec![], }; let mut path = path.clone(); path.push((row,col)); for child in get_children((row, col), m, n){ if visited.contains(&child) || maze[child.0][child.1] == '#'{ continue; } if maze[child.0][child.1] == 'E'{ path.push(child); return path; } visited.insert(child); queue.push_back((child.0, child.1, path.clone())); } if queue.len() > 5 { return vec![]; } } return vec![];}pub fn get_children(cell:(usize, usize), rows:usize, cols:usize)-> Vec<(usize, usize)> { let dirs = vec![(1,0),(0,1),(-1,0),(0,-1)]; let mut result = vec![]; for dir in dirs { let (row, col) = (cell.0 as i32 + dir.0, cell.1 as i32 + dir.1); if row < 0 || col < 0 || row as usize >= rows || col as usize>= cols{ continue; } result.push((row as usize, col as usize)) } result}
use std::collections::HashSet;pub fn solve_maze( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { let m = maze.len(); let n = maze[0].len(); let mut stack = vec![]; let mut visited = HashSet::new(); let mut paths = vec![]; stack.push((start, vec![])); while let Some((point, mut path)) = stack.pop() { if point == end { path.push(point); paths.push(path); continue; } if !visited.insert(point) || maze[point.0][point.1] == '#' { continue; } path.push(point); if point.1 < n - 1 { stack.push(((point.0, point.1 + 1), path.clone())) } if point.0 < m - 1 { stack.push(((point.0 + 1, point.1), path.clone())) } if point.1 > 0 { stack.push(((point.0, point.1 - 1), path.clone())) } if point.0 > 0 { stack.push(((point.0 - 1, point.1), path.clone())) } } match paths.iter().min_by(|a, b| a.len().cmp(&b.len())) { Some(path) => path.to_vec(), None => vec![], }}
pub fn solve_maze( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { // Your code here let height = maze.len(); let width = maze[0].len(); let mut distance = vec![vec![usize::MAX; width]; height]; distance[start.0][start.1] = 0; let mut queue = std::collections::VecDeque::new(); queue.push_back(start); while let Some((y, x)) = queue.pop_front() { if (y, x) == end { return backtrack_path(&maze, &distance, end); } for (ny, nx) in get_valid_neighbours(&maze, y, x) { if distance[ny][nx] == usize::MAX { distance[ny][nx] = distance[y][x] + 1; queue.push_back((ny, nx)); } } } vec![]}fn get_valid_neighbours(maze: &[Vec<char>], y: usize, x: usize) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { let height = maze.len(); let width = maze[0].len(); let directions = [(0, 1), (1, 0), (0, usize::MAX), (usize::MAX, 0)]; directions .iter() .map(|(dy, dx)| (y.wrapping_add(*dy), x.wrapping_add(*dx))) .filter(|&(ny, nx)| nx < width && ny < height && maze[ny][nx] != '#') .collect()}fn backtrack_path( maze: &[Vec<char>], distance: &[Vec<usize>], end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { let mut path = vec![]; let mut current = end; while distance[current.0][current.1] != 0 { path.push(current); let (y, x) = current; for (ny, nx) in get_valid_neighbours(maze, y, x) { if distance[ny][nx] == distance[y][x] - 1 { current = (ny, nx); break; } } } path.push(current); path.reverse(); path}
use std::collections::{HashSet, VecDeque};type Position = (usize, usize);type Path = Vec<Position>;fn get_neighbors(maze: &Vec<Vec<char>>, pos: &(usize, usize)) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { let (row, col) = *pos; let rows = maze.len(); let cols = maze[0].len(); let mut neighbors = Vec::new(); let offsets = [(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1)]; // Up, Down, Left, Right for (row_offset, col_offset) in offsets { let new_row = row as isize + row_offset; let new_col = col as isize + col_offset; if new_row >= 0 && new_row < rows as isize && new_col >= 0 && new_col < cols as isize { let new_row = new_row as usize; let new_col = new_col as usize; if maze[new_row][new_col] != '#' { neighbors.push((new_row, new_col)); } } } neighbors}pub fn solve_maze( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { let mut queue: VecDeque<Path> = VecDeque::new(); queue.push_back(vec![start]); let mut visited: HashSet<Position> = HashSet::new(); visited.insert(start); let mut shortest_path: Option<Path> = None; let mut min_path_length = usize::MAX; while let Some(path) = queue.pop_front() { let current_pos = path.last().unwrap(); if *current_pos == end { let path_length = path.len(); if path_length < min_path_length { shortest_path = Some(path.clone()); min_path_length = path_length; } continue; // Don't explore further from the end; we already found a shortest path } for neighbor in get_neighbors(&maze, current_pos) { if !visited.contains(&neighbor) { visited.insert(neighbor); let mut new_path = path.clone(); new_path.push(neighbor); queue.push_back(new_path); } } } shortest_path.unwrap_or_default()}
// std::cmp::PartialEq;use std::collections::HashMap;use std::convert::From;#[derive(Clone, Default, PartialEq)]enum Tile { #[default] Wall, OpenPath,}type Coord = (usize, usize);#[derive(Clone, Default)]struct Coordinate(usize, usize);impl From<&Coord> for Coordinate { fn from(coord: &Coord) -> Self { Coordinate(coord.0, coord.1) }}impl Coordinate { fn top(&self) -> Option<Coord> { if self.1 > 0 { return Option::from((self.0, self.1 - 1)); } None } fn right(&self) -> Option<Coord> { Option::from((self.0 + 1, self.1)) } fn bottom(&self) -> Option<Coord> { Option::from((self.0, self.1 + 1)) } fn left(&self) -> Option<Coord> { if self.0 > 0 { return Option::from((self.0 - 1, self.1)); } None }}impl PartialEq for Coordinate { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { self.0 == other.0 && self.1 == other.1 }}#[derive(Clone, Default)]struct CoordHeuristic { coord: Coord, heuristic_score: Option<i32>,}impl CoordHeuristic { fn new(coord: Coord) -> Self { Self { coord, heuristic_score: None, } }}#[derive(Clone, Default)]struct Neighbors { top: Option<CoordHeuristic>, bottom: Option<CoordHeuristic>, right: Option<CoordHeuristic>, left: Option<CoordHeuristic>,}type NodeMap = HashMap<Coord, Node>;impl Neighbors { fn init(current: Coord) -> Self { let init_coord_heuristic = |coord: Option<Coord>| match coord { Some(coord) => Option::from(CoordHeuristic::new(coord)), None => None, }; let coordinate = Coordinate::from(¤t); let top = init_coord_heuristic(; let right = init_coord_heuristic(coordinate.right()); let bottom = init_coord_heuristic(coordinate.bottom()); let left = init_coord_heuristic(coordinate.left()); Self { top, right, bottom, left, } } fn update_coord_heuristic(&mut self, node_map: &HashMap<Coord, Node>) -> &Self { let try_update = |ch: &mut Option<CoordHeuristic>| { if let Some(ch) = ch { if let Some(node) = node_map.get(&ch.coord) { if node.tile == Tile::OpenPath { ch.heuristic_score = Option::from(node.heuristic_score); } } } }; try_update(&mut; try_update(&mut self.right); try_update(&mut self.bottom); try_update(&mut self.left); if { if { = None; } } if self.right.is_some() { if self.right.clone().unwrap().heuristic_score.is_none() { self.right = None; } } if self.bottom.is_some() { if self.bottom.clone().unwrap().heuristic_score.is_none() { self.bottom = None; } } if self.left.is_some() { if self.left.clone().unwrap().heuristic_score.is_none() { self.left = None; } } self }}#[derive(Clone, Default)]struct Node { coordinate: Coordinate, neighbors: Neighbors, heuristic_score: i32, tile: Tile, is_visited: bool, from: Option<Coord>,}impl Node { fn calculate_heuristic_score(current: &Coord, end: &Coord) -> i32 { i32::abs(end.0 as i32 - current.0 as i32) + i32::abs(end.1 as i32 - current.1 as i32) } fn init(coord: Coord, tile: Tile, end: &Coord) -> Self { Self { coordinate: Coordinate::from(&coord), neighbors: Neighbors::init(coord), heuristic_score: Self::calculate_heuristic_score(&coord, end), tile, ..Default::default() } } fn mark_as_visited(&mut self) -> &Self { self.is_visited = true; self } fn set_from(&mut self, coord: Coord) -> &Self { if self.from.is_none() { self.from = Option::from(coord); } self }}impl PartialEq for Node { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { self.coordinate == other.coordinate }}#[derive(Debug)]struct Crawler { current_node: Coord, nodes_crawled: Vec<Coord>,}impl Crawler { fn new(current_node: Coord) -> Self { Self { current_node, nodes_crawled: vec![current_node], } } fn crawl(&mut self, node_map: &mut HashMap<Coord, Node>, end: &Coord) -> Vec<Coord> { self.nodes_crawled = vec![self.current_node]; let mut is_dead_end = false; loop { if is_dead_end { self.nodes_crawled.clear(); break; } if self.current_node == *end { break; } let mut node = node_map.get(&self.current_node).unwrap().to_owned(); let mut neighbors: Vec<CoordHeuristic> = Vec::new(); let mut try_add = |ch: &Option<CoordHeuristic>| { if let Some(ch) = ch { neighbors.push(ch.clone()); } }; try_add(&; try_add(&node.neighbors.right); try_add(&node.neighbors.bottom); try_add(&node.neighbors.left); neighbors.sort_by(|a, b| a.heuristic_score.cmp(&b.heuristic_score)); let mut i = 0; let mut is_forward = false; loop { if i == neighbors.len() { break; } let mut next_node = node_map.get(&neighbors[i].coord).unwrap().to_owned(); if !next_node.is_visited { is_forward = true; node.mark_as_visited(); node_map.insert(self.current_node, node.to_owned()); next_node.set_from(self.current_node); node_map.insert(neighbors[i].coord, next_node.to_owned()); self.nodes_crawled.push(neighbors[i].coord); self.current_node = neighbors[i].coord; break; } i += 1; } if !is_forward { let prev_coord = node.from; if prev_coord.is_some() { node.mark_as_visited(); node_map.insert(self.current_node, node.to_owned()); self.nodes_crawled.pop(); self.current_node = prev_coord.unwrap(); } else { is_dead_end = true; } } } self.nodes_crawled.clone() }}struct Maze { node_map: NodeMap, crawler: Crawler, end: Coord,}impl Maze { fn new(node_map: NodeMap, crawler: Crawler, end: Coord) -> Self { Self { node_map, crawler, end, } } fn init(vec: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: Coord, end: Coord) -> Self { let mut node_map: NodeMap = HashMap::new(); let mut x = 0; loop { if x == vec.len() { break; } let inner_maze = vec.get(x).unwrap(); let mut y = 0; loop { if y == inner_maze.len() { break; } let coord = (x, y); let tile = match inner_maze.get(y).unwrap() { '.' | 'S' | 'E' => Tile::OpenPath, _ => Tile::Wall, }; let node = Node::init(coord, tile, &end); node_map.insert(coord, node); y += 1; } x += 1; } let temp_node_map = node_map.clone(); for m in node_map.iter_mut() { m.1.neighbors.update_coord_heuristic(&temp_node_map); } Self::new(node_map, Crawler::new(start), end) } fn solve(&mut self) -> Vec<Coord> { self.crawler.crawl(&mut self.node_map, &self.end) }}pub fn solve_maze(maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: Coord, end: Coord) -> Vec<Coord> { Maze::init(maze, start, end).solve()}
use std::collections::HashMap;use std::rc::Rc;pub fn solve_maze( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { // Your code here let mut open_list = HashMap::new(); let mut closed_list = vec![]; let mut cur_entry = SearchEntry { cur_pos: start, pre_entry: None, f_cost: 0, g_cost: 0, maze: &maze, }; open_list.insert(start, cur_entry.clone()); loop { if let Some(entry) = open_list.values().min_by_key(|entry| entry.f_cost) { cur_entry.update(entry); } else { return vec![]; } if cur_entry.cur_pos == end { break; } closed_list.push(cur_entry.cur_pos); open_list.remove(&cur_entry.cur_pos); cur_entry.add_adjacent_positions(end, &mut open_list, &closed_list); } let mut shortest_path = vec![cur_entry.cur_pos]; let mut pre_entry = cur_entry.pre_entry; while let Some(entry) = &pre_entry { shortest_path.push(entry.cur_pos); pre_entry = entry.pre_entry.clone(); } shortest_path.reverse(); shortest_path}#[derive(Clone)]struct SearchEntry<'a> { cur_pos: (usize, usize), pre_entry: Option<Rc<SearchEntry<'a>>>, f_cost: usize, g_cost: usize, maze: &'a Vec<Vec<char>>,}impl<'a> SearchEntry<'a> { fn update(&mut self, new: &Self) { self.cur_pos = new.cur_pos; self.f_cost = new.f_cost; self.g_cost = new.g_cost; self.pre_entry = if let Some(entry) = &new.pre_entry { Some(Rc::clone(entry)) } else { None }; } fn get_move_cost(&self, next_pos: (usize, usize)) -> usize { if self.cur_pos != next_pos { 2 } else { 1 } } fn get_new_position(&self, offset: (isize, isize)) -> Option<(usize, usize)> { const WALL: char = '#'; let (row, col) = ( self.cur_pos.0 as isize + offset.0, self.cur_pos.1 as isize + offset.1, ); if row >= 0 && (row as usize) < self.maze.len() && col >= 0 && (col as usize) < self.maze[row as usize].len() && self.maze[row as usize][col as usize] != WALL { Some((row as usize, col as usize)) } else { None } } fn get_positiions(&self) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { const OFFSETS: [(isize, isize); 4] = [(-1, 0), (0, -1), (1, 0), (0, 1)]; let mut pos_list = vec![]; for &offset in &OFFSETS { if let Some(pos) = self.get_new_position(offset) { pos_list.push(pos); } } pos_list } fn add_adjacent_positions( &self, end: (usize, usize), open_list: &mut HashMap<(usize, usize), SearchEntry<'a>>, closed_list: &Vec<(usize, usize)>, ) { for pos in self.get_positiions() { if !closed_list.contains(&pos) { let h_cost = ((end.0 as isize - pos.0 as isize).abs() + (end.1 as isize - pos.1 as isize).abs()) as usize; let g_cost = self.g_cost + self.get_move_cost(pos); open_list .entry(pos) .and_modify(|e| { if e.g_cost > g_cost { e.g_cost = g_cost; e.f_cost = g_cost + h_cost; e.pre_entry = Some(Rc::new(self.clone())); } }) .or_insert_with(|| SearchEntry { cur_pos: pos, pre_entry: Some(Rc::new(self.clone())), f_cost: g_cost + h_cost, g_cost, maze: &self.maze, }); } } }}
pub fn solve_maze( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { let mut queue = std::collections::VecDeque::new(); let mut visited = vec![vec![false; maze[0].len()]; maze.len()]; let mut parent = vec![vec![None; maze[0].len()]; maze.len()]; queue.push_back(start); visited[start.0][start.1] = true; // Using Breadth-First Search (BFS) algorithm while let Some((x, y)) = queue.pop_front() { if (x, y) == end { let mut path = vec![]; let mut current = Some((x, y)); while let Some(pos) = current { path.push(pos); current = parent[pos.0][pos.1]; } path.reverse(); return path; } let directions = [(0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1), (-1, 0)]; for &(dx, dy) in &directions { let nx = x.wrapping_add(dx as usize); let ny = y.wrapping_add(dy as usize); if nx < maze.len() && ny < maze[0].len() && maze[nx][ny] != '#' && !visited[nx][ny] { queue.push_back((nx, ny)); visited[nx][ny] = true; parent[nx][ny] = Some((x, y)); } } } vec![]}
use std::collections::HashMap;use std::rc::Rc;#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash, Copy, Clone)]struct Coords(isize, isize); // i,j (row, column)struct Cell { pos:Coords, prev:Coords, dist:usize}impl From<(usize, usize)> for Coords { fn from(pos: (usize, usize)) -> Self { Coords(pos.0 as isize, pos.1 as isize) }}impl From<Coords> for (usize, usize) { fn from(pos: Coords) -> Self { (pos.0 as usize, pos.1 as usize) }}impl PartialEq for Cell { fn eq(&self, other:&Self) -> bool { self.pos == other.pos }}struct Maze<'a> { start: Coords, end: Coords, size: (usize, usize), maze: &'a Vec::<Vec::<char>>, visited: HashMap::<Coords, Rc<Cell>>, queue: Vec::<Rc<Cell>>}impl<'a> Maze<'a> { fn new(maze:&'a Vec<Vec<char>>, start:Coords, end:Coords) -> Self { let size = (maze.len(), if maze.len()>0 {maze[0].len()} else {0}); Maze{start, end, maze, size, visited:HashMap::new(), queue:Vec::new() } } fn visit(&mut self, from:Coords, pos:Coords, dist:usize) { if pos.0 < 0 || pos.1 < 0 || pos.0 >= self.size.0 as isize || pos.1 >= self.size.1 as isize { return; } if self.maze[pos.0 as usize][pos.1 as usize] == '#' { return; } if let Some(mut e) = self.visited.get_mut(&pos) { let em = Rc::get_mut(&mut e).unwrap(); if em.dist > dist { em.dist = dist; em.prev = from; } } else { // newly visited cell let new_cell = self.visited.entry(pos).or_insert(Rc::new(Cell{pos, prev:from, dist})); self.queue.push(new_cell.clone()); } } fn solve(&mut self) -> Option<Vec<(usize, usize)>> { self.visit(self.start, self.start, 0); while let Some(c) = self.queue.pop() { if c.pos == self.end { return Some(self.pathTo(&c)) } let new_dist = c.dist+1; self.visit(c.pos, Coords(c.pos.0+1, c.pos.1), new_dist); self.visit(c.pos, Coords(c.pos.0-1, c.pos.1), new_dist); self.visit(c.pos, Coords(c.pos.0, c.pos.1+1), new_dist); self.visit(c.pos, Coords(c.pos.0, c.pos.1-1), new_dist); self.queue.sort_by(|a,b| b.dist.cmp(&a.dist)); } None } fn pathTo(&self, end:&Cell) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { let mut path:Vec::<(usize, usize)> = Vec::new(); let mut cell:&Cell = &end; loop { path.push((cell.pos.0 as usize, cell.pos.1 as usize)); if cell.prev == cell.pos { break; } cell = self.visited.get(&cell.prev).unwrap(); } path.reverse(); path }}pub fn solve_maze( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { // Your code here let mut m = Maze::new(&maze, start.into(), end.into()); m.solve().unwrap_or([].into())}
use std::collections::VecDeque;pub fn solve_maze( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { // Your code here let n_row = maze.len(); let n_col = maze[0].len(); if !(start.0 < n_row && start.1 < n_col && end.0 < n_row && end.1 < n_col) { return vec![]; } let mut reached = vec![vec![false; n_col]; n_row]; reached[start.0][start.1] = false; let mut nsteps: Vec<Vec<u64>> = vec![vec![1 << 61; n_col]; n_row]; nsteps[start.0][start.1] = 0; let mut queue = VecDeque::new(); queue.push_back(start); let mut path_found = false; 'done: while let Some(src) = queue.pop_front() { let mut dsts = vec![]; if src.0 > 0 { dsts.push((src.0 - 1, src.1)) } if src.0 + 1 < n_row { dsts.push((src.0 + 1, src.1)) } if src.1 > 0 { dsts.push((src.0, src.1 - 1)) } if src.1 + 1 < n_col { dsts.push((src.0, src.1 + 1)) } for dst in dsts { if reached[dst.0][dst.1] { continue; } match maze[dst.0][dst.1] { '.' => { queue.push_back(dst); reached[dst.0][dst.1] = true; nsteps[dst.0][dst.1] = nsteps[src.0][src.1] + 1; } 'E' => { nsteps[dst.0][dst.1] = nsteps[src.0][src.1] + 1; path_found = true; break 'done; } _ => {} } } } if !path_found { return vec![]; } let mut res = vec![end]; let mut cur = end; while cur != start { let nstep = nsteps[cur.0][cur.1]; if cur.0 > 0 && (nstep == nsteps[cur.0 - 1][cur.1] + 1) { res.push((cur.0 - 1, cur.1)); cur = (cur.0 - 1, cur.1) } else if cur.0 + 1 < n_row && (nstep == nsteps[cur.0 + 1][cur.1] + 1) { res.push((cur.0 + 1, cur.1)); cur = (cur.0 + 1, cur.1) } else if cur.1 > 0 && (nstep == nsteps[cur.0][cur.1 - 1] + 1) { res.push((cur.0, cur.1 - 1)); cur = (cur.0, cur.1 - 1) } else { res.push((cur.0, cur.1 + 1)); cur = (cur.0, cur.1 + 1) } } res.reverse(); res}
use std::collections::{BinaryHeap, HashMap, HashSet};use std::cmp::Ordering;// A* Node#[derive(Debug, Eq)]struct Node { position: (usize, usize), cost: usize, // g: cost from start to current node heuristic: usize, // h: estimated cost from current node to end total_cost: usize, // f = g + h}impl Ord for Node { fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering { other.total_cost.cmp(&self.total_cost) // **Reverse** for min-heap }}impl PartialOrd for Node { fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> { Some(self.cmp(other)) }}impl PartialEq for Node { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { self.position == other.position }}fn manhattan_distance(a: (usize, usize), b: (usize, usize)) -> usize { (a.0 as isize - b.0 as isize).abs() as usize + (a.1 as isize - b.1 as isize).abs() as usize}fn reconstruct_path( came_from: HashMap<(usize, usize), (usize, usize)>, mut current: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { let mut path = vec![current]; while let Some(&prev) = came_from.get(¤t) { current = prev; path.push(current); } path.reverse(); path}pub fn solve_maze( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { let rows = maze.len(); let cols = maze[0].len(); // Priority queue for open set let mut open_set = BinaryHeap::new(); let mut came_from: HashMap<(usize, usize), (usize, usize)> = HashMap::new(); let mut g_score: HashMap<(usize, usize), usize> = HashMap::new(); let mut visited: HashSet<(usize, usize)> = HashSet::new(); // Initialize start node open_set.push(Node { position: start, cost: 0, heuristic: manhattan_distance(start, end), total_cost: manhattan_distance(start, end), }); g_score.insert(start, 0); // Directions for neighbors let directions = [(0, 1), (1, 0), (0, usize::MAX), (usize::MAX, 0)]; while let Some(current) = open_set.pop() { if current.position == end { return reconstruct_path(came_from, current.position); } visited.insert(current.position); for &(dx, dy) in &directions { let neighbor = ( current.position.0.wrapping_add(dx), current.position.1.wrapping_add(dy), ); if neighbor.0 >= rows || neighbor.1 >= cols || visited.contains(&neighbor) { continue; } if maze[neighbor.0][neighbor.1] == '#' { continue; // Skip walls } let tentative_g_score = g_score[¤t.position] + 1; // Each step cost = 1 let is_better_path = tentative_g_score < *g_score.get(&neighbor).unwrap_or(&usize::MAX); if is_better_path { came_from.insert(neighbor, current.position); g_score.insert(neighbor, tentative_g_score); open_set.push(Node { position: neighbor, cost: tentative_g_score, heuristic: manhattan_distance(neighbor, end), total_cost: tentative_g_score + manhattan_distance(neighbor, end), }); } } } vec![] // No path found}
use std::collections::{VecDeque, HashMap};pub fn solve_maze( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { let mut queue = VecDeque::new(); let mut visited = Vec::new(); let mut parents = HashMap::new(); let mut path = Vec::new(); visited.push(start); queue.push_back(start); parents.insert(start, None); while let Some(current) = queue.pop_front() { if current == end { let mut current = Some(end); while let Some(point) = current { path.push(point); current = *parents.get(&point).unwrap(); } path.reverse(); } let neighbors = [ (current.0.saturating_add(1), current.1), (current.0.saturating_sub(1), current.1), (current.0, current.1.saturating_add(1)), (current.0, current.1.saturating_sub(1)), ]; for neighbor in neighbors { if !visited.contains(&neighbor) && maze[current.0][current.1] != '#' && neighbor.0 < maze.len() && neighbor.1 < maze[0].len() { visited.push(neighbor); queue.push_back(neighbor); parents.insert(neighbor, Some(current)); } } } path}
pub fn solve_maze( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { fn solver(pos: (usize, usize), path: &Vec<(usize, usize)>, maze: &Vec<Vec<char>>) -> Option<Vec<(usize,usize)>>{ // check invalid pos let (size0, size1) = (maze.len(), maze[0].len()); if size0 <= pos.0 || size1 <= pos.1 {return None;} if maze[pos.0][pos.1] == '#' {return None;} if path.contains(&pos) {return None;} // update path let mut path_new = path.to_vec(); path_new.push(pos); // check goal if maze[pos.0][pos.1] == 'E' {return Some(path_new);} // search let mut path_shortest = vec![]; for pos_new in [ (pos.0.saturating_add(1), pos.1), (pos.0.saturating_sub(1), pos.1), (pos.0, pos.1.saturating_add(1)), (pos.0, pos.1.saturating_sub(1)) ] { // update path if found shorter one if let Some(p) = solver(pos_new, &path_new, &maze) { if path_shortest.len() == 0 || p.len() < path_shortest.len(){ path_shortest = p; } } } if path_shortest.len() != 0 { return Some(path_shortest); } else { return None; } } let path_initial = vec![]; if let Some(p) = solver(start, &path_initial, &maze) { return p; } else { return vec![]; }}
use std::collections::VecDeque;pub fn solve_maze( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { let rows = maze.len(); let cols = maze[0].len(); let mut visited = vec![vec![false; cols]; rows]; let mut parent = vec![vec![None; cols]; rows]; let mut queue = VecDeque::new(); visited[start.0][start.1] = true; queue.push_back(start); while let Some((row, col)) = queue.pop_front() { if (row, col) == end { return build_path(&parent, start, end); } let moves = [(0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1), (-1, 0)]; for (dr, dc) in moves { let new_row = row.wrapping_add(dr as usize); let new_col = col.wrapping_add(dc as usize); if new_row < rows && new_col < cols && maze[new_row][new_col] != '#' && !visited[new_row][new_col] { visited[new_row][new_col] = true; parent[new_row][new_col] = Some((row, col)); queue.push_back((new_row, new_col)); } } } vec![]}fn build_path( parent: &Vec<Vec<Option<(usize, usize)>>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { let mut path = vec![end]; let mut current = end; while current != start { if let Some(prev) = parent[current.0][current.1] { path.push(prev); current = prev; } } path.reverse(); path}
use std::collections::VecDeque;pub fn solve_maze( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { let x_max = maze.len(); let y_max = maze[0].len(); let mut queue = VecDeque::new(); queue.push_back((start.0, start.1, vec![start])); let mut visited = vec![]; enum Dir { U,R,D,L } while queue.len() > 0 { if let Some((x, y, routes)) = queue.pop_front() { if (x, y) == end { return routes } for direction in [Dir::U, Dir::R, Dir::D, Dir::L] { let (nx, ny) = match direction { Dir::U => (x, y.wrapping_sub(1)), Dir::R => (x.wrapping_add(1), y), Dir::D => (x, y.wrapping_add(1)), Dir::L => (x.wrapping_sub(1), y), }; if 0 as usize <= nx && nx < x_max && 0 as usize <= ny && ny < y_max && (maze[nx][ny] == '.' || maze[nx][ny] == 'E') && !visited.contains(&(nx, ny)) { visited.push((nx, ny)); let mut new_routes = routes.clone(); new_routes.push((nx, ny)); queue.push_back((nx, ny, new_routes)); } } } } vec![]}
use std::collections::VecDeque;pub fn solve_maze( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { const ROAD: char = '.'; const GOAL: char = 'E'; let rows = maze.len(); let cols = maze[0].len(); let mut queue = VecDeque::new(); queue.push_back((start.0, start.1, vec![start])); let mut visited = vec![]; while queue.len() > 0 { if let Some((x, y, routes)) = queue.pop_front() { if (x, y) == end { return routes } for allow in ["R", "L", "U", "D"] { let (nx, ny) = match allow { "R" => { (x.wrapping_add(1), y) }, "L" => { (x.wrapping_sub(1), y) }, "U" => { (x, y.wrapping_sub(1)) }, "D" => { (x, y.wrapping_add(1)) }, _ => {panic!("error")} }; if 0 as usize <= nx && nx < rows && 0 as usize <= ny && ny < cols && (maze[nx][ny] == ROAD || maze[nx][ny] == GOAL) && !visited.contains(&(nx, ny)) { visited.push((nx, ny)); let mut new_routes = routes.clone(); new_routes.push((nx, ny)); queue.push_back((nx, ny, new_routes)); } } } } vec![]}
use std::collections::{VecDeque, HashMap};pub fn solve_maze( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { let mut return_map = HashMap::new(); return_map.insert(start, None); { let mut instruction_queue = VecDeque::new(); instruction_queue.push_back(start); while let Some((x, y)) = instruction_queue.pop_front() { let offset = (x+1, y); if !return_map.contains_key(&offset) { let symbol = maze.get(offset.0) .and_then(|r| r.get(offset.1)); match symbol { Some('E') => { return_map.insert(offset, Some((x, y))); break; } Some('.') => { return_map.insert(offset, Some((x, y))); instruction_queue.push_back(offset) } _ => {} } } let offset = (x.saturating_sub(1), y); if !return_map.contains_key(&offset) { let symbol = maze.get(offset.0) .and_then(|r| r.get(offset.1)); match symbol { Some('E') => { return_map.insert(offset, Some((x, y))); break; } Some('.') => { return_map.insert(offset, Some((x, y))); instruction_queue.push_back(offset) } _ => {} } } let offset = (x, y+1); if !return_map.contains_key(&offset) { let symbol = maze.get(offset.0) .and_then(|r| r.get(offset.1)); match symbol { Some('E') => { return_map.insert(offset, Some((x, y))); break; } Some('.') => { return_map.insert(offset, Some((x, y))); instruction_queue.push_back(offset) } _ => {} } } let offset = (x, y.saturating_sub(1)); if !return_map.contains_key(&offset) { let symbol = maze.get(offset.0) .and_then(|r| r.get(offset.1)); match symbol { Some('E') => { return_map.insert(offset, Some((x, y))); break; } Some('.') => { return_map.insert(offset, Some((x, y))); instruction_queue.push_back(offset) } _ => {} } } } } let Some(mut prev) = return_map.get(&end).map(|e| *e) else { return Vec::new(); }; let mut path = VecDeque::new(); path.push_front(end); while let Some(coord) = prev { path.push_front(coord); prev = return_map[&coord]; } path.into()}
pub fn solve_maze( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { // Identify maze dimensions let rows: usize = maze.len(); let cols: usize = maze.get(0).expect("Maze needs columns").len(); // Create helper vectors let mut visited: Vec<Vec<bool>> = vec![vec![false; cols]; rows]; let mut path: Vec<(usize, usize)> = Vec::new(); // Start dfs search where current node == start if dfs(&maze, start, end, &mut path, &mut visited) { path } else { Vec::new() }}pub fn dfs( maze: &Vec<Vec<char>>, current: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize), path: &mut Vec<(usize, usize)>, visited: &mut Vec<Vec<bool>>) -> bool{ // If current == end, add current to path and return true let (curr_x, curr_y) = current; if current == end { path.push(current); return true; } // Check that we are in a valid grid entry if curr_x >= maze.len() || curr_y >= maze[0].len() || visited[curr_x][curr_y] == true || maze[curr_x][curr_y] == '#' { return false; } // Mark current grid entry as visited visited[curr_x][curr_y] = true; // Perform DFS on remaining available locations path.push(current); for (x, y) in [(1, 0), (0, 1), (usize::MAX, 0), (0, usize::MAX)] { let new_x: usize = curr_x.wrapping_add(x); let new_y: usize = curr_y.wrapping_add(y); if dfs(&maze, (new_x, new_y), end, path, visited) { return true; } } // 3. No suitable DFS locations, return false path.pop(); visited[curr_x][curr_y] = false; false}
use std::collections::VecDeque;#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]enum Direction { Up, Right, Down, Left,}impl Direction { fn get_offset(&self) -> (i32, i32) { match self { Direction::Up => (-1, 0), Direction::Right => (0, 1), Direction::Down => (1, 0), Direction::Left => (0, -1), } } fn all() -> [Direction; 4] { [Direction::Up, Direction::Right, Direction::Down, Direction::Left] }}pub fn solve_maze( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { let rows = maze.len(); if rows == 0 { return vec![]; } let cols = maze[0].len(); let mut visited = vec![vec![false; cols]; rows]; let mut parent = vec![vec![None; cols]; rows]; let mut queue = VecDeque::new(); queue.push_back(start); visited[start.0][start.1] = true; while let Some(current) = queue.pop_front() { if current == end { return reconstruct_path(&parent, start, end); } for direction in Direction::all() { if let Some(next) = get_next_position(current, direction, rows, cols) { if !visited[next.0][next.1] && maze[next.0][next.1] != '#' { visited[next.0][next.1] = true; parent[next.0][next.1] = Some(current); queue.push_back(next); } } } } vec![]}fn get_next_position( current: (usize, usize), direction: Direction, rows: usize, cols: usize,) -> Option<(usize, usize)> { let (dx, dy) = direction.get_offset(); let new_x = current.0 as i32 + dx; let new_y = current.1 as i32 + dy; if new_x >= 0 && new_x < rows as i32 && new_y >= 0 && new_y < cols as i32 { Some((new_x as usize, new_y as usize)) } else { None }}fn reconstruct_path( parent: &Vec<Vec<Option<(usize, usize)>>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { let mut path = Vec::new(); let mut current = end; path.push(current); while current != start { if let Some(prev) = parent[current.0][current.1] { path.push(prev); current = prev; } else { return vec![]; } } path.reverse(); path}
pub fn solve_maze( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { let mut path = Vec::new(); let mut visited = vec![vec![false; maze[0].len()]; maze.len()]; if dfs(&maze, start, end, &mut path, &mut visited) { path } else { Vec::new() }}fn dfs( maze: &Vec<Vec<char>>, current: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize), path: &mut Vec<(usize, usize)>, visited: &mut Vec<Vec<bool>>,) -> bool { let (x, y) = current; if current == end { path.push(current); return true; } if x >= maze.len() || y >= maze[0].len() || maze[x][y] == '#' || visited[x][y] { return false; } visited[x][y] = true; path.push(current); let directions = [(1, 0), (0, 1), (usize::MAX, 0), (0, usize::MAX)]; for &(dx, dy) in &directions { let new_x = x.wrapping_add(dx); let new_y = y.wrapping_add(dy); if dfs(maze, (new_x, new_y), end, path, visited) { return true; } } path.pop(); visited[x][y] = false; false}
// [down, right, up, left]const DIRECTONS: [(isize, isize); 4] = [(0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1), (-1, 0)];pub fn solve_maze( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { let rows = maze.len(); let cols = maze[0].len(); let mut visited = vec![vec![false; cols]; rows]; let mut queue = std::collections::VecDeque::new(); queue.push_back((start, vec![start])); visited[start.0][start.1] = true; while let Some((current, path)) = queue.pop_front() { if current == end { return path; } for (dx, dy) in DIRECTONS.iter() { let new_x = current.0 as isize + dx; let new_y = current.1 as isize + dy; if new_x < 0 || new_x >= rows as isize || new_y < 0 || new_y >= cols as isize { continue; } let new_x = new_x as usize; let new_y = new_y as usize; if visited[new_x][new_y] || maze[new_x][new_y] == '#' { continue; } let mut new_path = path.clone(); new_path.push((new_x, new_y)); queue.push_back(((new_x, new_y), new_path)); visited[new_x][new_y] = true; } } Vec::new()}
use std::collections::{VecDeque, HashSet, HashMap};pub fn solve_maze( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { let rows = maze.len(); let cols = maze[0].len(); let directions = [(0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1), (-1, 0)]; let mut queue = VecDeque::new(); let mut visited = HashSet::new(); let mut came_from = HashMap::new(); queue.push_back(start); visited.insert(start); while let Some((x, y)) = queue.pop_front() { if (x, y) == end { return reconstruct_path(came_from, start, end); } for (dx, dy) in directions.iter() { let nx = x as isize + dx; let ny = y as isize + dy; if nx >= 0 && nx < rows as isize && ny >= 0 && ny < cols as isize { let nx = nx as usize; let ny = ny as usize; if maze[nx][ny] != '#' && !visited.contains(&(nx, ny)) { queue.push_back((nx, ny)); visited.insert((nx, ny)); came_from.insert((nx, ny), (x, y)); } } } } Vec::new()}fn reconstruct_path( came_from: HashMap<(usize, usize), (usize, usize)>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { let mut path = Vec::new(); let mut current = end; while current != start { path.push(current); current = came_from[¤t]; } path.push(start); path.reverse(); path}
use std::collections::VecDeque;#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]enum Direction { Up, Right, Down, Left,}impl Direction { fn get_offset(&self) -> (i32, i32) { match self { Direction::Up => (-1, 0), Direction::Right => (0, 1), Direction::Down => (1, 0), Direction::Left => (0, -1), } } fn all() -> [Direction; 4] { [Direction::Up, Direction::Right, Direction::Down, Direction::Left] }}pub fn solve_maze( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { let rows = maze.len(); if rows == 0 { return vec![]; } let cols = maze[0].len(); // Create visited array and parent tracking for path reconstruction let mut visited = vec![vec![false; cols]; rows]; let mut parent = vec![vec![None; cols]; rows]; let mut queue = VecDeque::new(); // Start BFS queue.push_back(start); visited[start.0][start.1] = true; // BFS until we find the end or exhaust all possibilities while let Some(current) = queue.pop_front() { if current == end { return reconstruct_path(&parent, start, end); } for direction in Direction::all() { if let Some(next) = get_next_position(current, direction, rows, cols) { // Check if the next position is valid and unvisited if !visited[next.0][next.1] && maze[next.0][next.1] != '#' { visited[next.0][next.1] = true; parent[next.0][next.1] = Some(current); queue.push_back(next); } } } } // No path found vec![]}fn get_next_position( current: (usize, usize), direction: Direction, rows: usize, cols: usize,) -> Option<(usize, usize)> { let (dx, dy) = direction.get_offset(); let new_x = current.0 as i32 + dx; let new_y = current.1 as i32 + dy; if new_x >= 0 && new_x < rows as i32 && new_y >= 0 && new_y < cols as i32 { Some((new_x as usize, new_y as usize)) } else { None }}fn reconstruct_path( parent: &Vec<Vec<Option<(usize, usize)>>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { let mut path = Vec::new(); let mut current = end; path.push(current); while current != start { if let Some(prev) = parent[current.0][current.1] { path.push(prev); current = prev; } else { return vec![]; // This shouldn't happen if we found a path } } path.reverse(); path}
pub fn solve_maze( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { let mut path = Vec::new(); let mut visited = vec![vec![false; maze[0].len()]; maze.len()]; if dfs(&maze, start, end, &mut path, &mut visited) { path } else { Vec::new() }}fn dfs( maze: &Vec<Vec<char>>, current: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize), path: &mut Vec<(usize, usize)>, visited: &mut Vec<Vec<bool>>,) -> bool { let (x, y) = current; if current == end { path.push(current); return true; } if x >= maze.len() || y >= maze[0].len() || maze[x][y] == '#' || visited[x][y] { return false; } visited[x][y] = true; path.push(current); let directions = [(1, 0), (0, 1), (usize::MAX, 0), (0, usize::MAX)]; for &(dx, dy) in &directions { let new_x = x.wrapping_add(dx); let new_y = y.wrapping_add(dy); if dfs(maze, (new_x, new_y), end, path, visited) { return true; } } path.pop(); visited[x][y] = false; false}
use std::collections::HashSet;pub fn neighbours(point: (usize, usize),h:usize,w:usize) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { let mut neighbours = vec![]; if point.0 > 0 { neighbours.push((point.0 - 1 , point.1)); } if point.1 > 0 { neighbours.push((point.0 , point.1 - 1)); } if point.0 < h - 1 { neighbours.push((point.0 + 1 , point.1)); } if point.1 < w - 1 { neighbours.push((point.0, point.1 + 1)); } neighbours}pub fn solve_maze( maze: Vec<Vec<char>>, start: (usize, usize), end: (usize, usize),) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { let mut path = vec![start]; let mut checked = HashSet::<(usize, usize)>::new(); let h = maze.len(); let w = maze[0].len(); while path.len() != 0 { let current = path[path.len() - 1]; checked.insert(current); for n in neighbours(current, h, w) { if !checked.contains(&n) { let v = maze[n.0][n.1]; if v == '#'{ checked.insert(n); }else{ path.push(n); if end == n { return path; } break; } } } if checked.contains(&path[path.len() - 1]){ path.pop(); } } path}