Learn how to use if-else statements in Rust to control the flow of your program.
Implement a function to sum even numbers in a given range using a for loop.
Implement a countdown timer using a while loop in Rust.
Use Rust's pattern matching to determine the weekday given its number.
Write a program that prints 'Fizz' for multiples of three, 'Buzz' for multiples of five, and 'FizzBuzz' for multiples of both.
Write a function that returns the nth number in the Fibonacci sequence.
Implement a function to check if a number is prime using logical operators and conditional statements.
Implement a function to describe if a number is positive, negative, or zero, and if it is even or odd.
Implement a function to calculate the factorial of a non-negative integer using early returns and loops.
Implement a temperature converter that handles various units and errors.
Implement early returns in Rust to validate user input for age and email.
Write a program that calculates the median and mode of a list of numbers.
Implement a function to find the first palindrome number in a range using any control flow construct.
Implement a finite state automaton (FSA) to recognize a specific pattern in a sequence of characters.
Implement a maze solver using control flow in Rust to navigate through a maze represented as a grid.