
In Rust, traits define shared behavior that types can implement. A trait acts as a contract, requiring implementing types to provide certain methods. This makes traits one of the most powerful features for achieving polymorphism and code reusability in Rust.

For example, the Display trait allows custom formatting for types using the {} formatter. Similarly, you can define your own traits to describe behaviors relevant to your program.

Your Task

In this challenge, you'll implement a trait Describable and use it to define a common interface for objects that can provide a description. Your task is to:

  1. Define a trait Describable with a single method describe that returns a String.
  2. Implement this trait for the struct Person.
  3. Implement this trait for the struct Book.


  • The Person struct should have fields name: String and age: u8.
  • The Book struct should have fields title: String and author: String.
  • The describe method for Person should return a string like "Person: Alice, Age: 30".
  • The describe method for Book should return a string like "Book: Rust Programming, Author: Jane Doe".


If you're stuck, here are some hints to help you solve the challenge:

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  • Implement a trait for a struct using impl TraitName for StructName. e.g.
    impl Describable for Person {
        fn describe(&self) -> String {
            format!("Person: {}, Age: {}",, self.age)
  • Don't forget to use the &self as the parameter for the describe method in the trait.