The From trait

The From trait is one of the most commonly used trait in the Rust programming language, it is used for converting a value from one type to another.

After you implement the From trait for a type, you can then use into() on the source type to convert this type to the target type.

Here's an example on a use case for the From trait:

fn main() {
    let f = Fahrenheit(32.0);
    let c: Celsius = f.into();
    println!("{}°F is {}°C", f.0, c.0);

This code works because the Fahrenheit struct implements the From trait for the Celsius struct. This allows us to convert a Fahrenheit instance to a Celsius instance using the into() method. The explicit type annotation : Celsius tells the compiler to turn it "into" a Celsius instance.


Your task is to implement the From trait for the following struct types:

struct Minutes(u32);
struct Hours(u32);
struct Days(u32);

These structs are called Tuple Structs, they are similar to regular structs but they have unnamed fields. You can access the fields of a tuple struct using the index of the field, e.g. Hours(1).0 will return 1.

You need to implement the From trait for the following conversions:

  • Minutes to Hours
  • Hours to Days
  • Minutes to Days
  • Days to Hours


let minutes = Minutes(60);
let hours: Hours = minutes.into();
assert_eq!(hours.0, 1);

Good luck!