Using Option<T> for Optional Values

Rust's Option<T> is a powerful enum type that represents a value that might or might not be present. It is often used to safely handle cases where a value could be missing or invalid.

The Option<T> enum has two variants:

  • Some(T) which contains a value of type T.
  • None which signifies the absence of a value.

Your Task

In this challenge, you will implement a function find_first_even that takes a list of integers and returns the first even number in the list wrapped in Some. If no even number is present, the function should return None.

For example:

  • If the input list is [1, 3, 5, 8, 10], the function should return Some(8).
  • If the input list is [1, 3, 5], the function should return None.

Your task is to implement the function so it correctly handles any list of integers.