Declaring Variables

In this challenge, you will implement a function calculate_area that computes the area of a rectangle using a given width and height. The purpose of this exercise is to practice variable declaration.

Your Task

You are provided with a helper function prints_values that takes two parameters, width and height, and prints their values. Your task is to call this helper function inside calculate_area and ensure that the printed values are correct.

The calculate_area function should:

  1. Declare variables for width and height.
  2. Use the prints_values function to display the values of the width and height.
  3. Return the calculated area of the rectangle by multiplying width and height.

Do not modify the prints_values function.

Note: While it is possible to solve the challenge and pass the tests without explicitly declaring variables (e.g., by directly passing values to prints_values or using expressions inline), we recommend you practice declaring variables using the let keyword.


Click here to reveal hints
  • Use the let keyword to declare variables in Rust.
  • Ensure the prints_values function is invoked with the correct arguments.
  • The returned area should be the result of multiplying the width and height.