Lucid KV

Lucid KV is a high performance, secure, and distributed key-value store with an HTTP API. Written in Rust, Lucid KV is designed to be fast, reliable, and flexible, offering a variety of features through a modular configuration.

Key Features

High Performance and Distributed

Lucid KV is engineered for high performance and can be deployed in a distributed manner, ensuring reliability and scalability.

Modular Configuration

The system is built around a modular configuration, enabling features such as persistence, encryption (SSE), compression, and replication to be enabled or disabled on the fly.


Lucid KV provides an HTTP API for easy integration and interaction, making it accessible to a wide range of applications and users.


Security is a core focus, with support for encryption to protect data at rest and during transmission.

Getting Started

Download and Run

Get the latest binary from the releases page and run these commands:

$ ./lucid init
$ ./lucid server

Docker Deployment

Run a Lucid KV node with Docker. Ensure you create a lucid.yml file locally before running the following commands:

$ docker pull lucidkv/lucid
$ docker run -p 7020:7020 -v lucid.yml:/etc/lucid/lucid.yml lucidkv/lucid


Get started with the quick start guide or access the complete documentation here.

Command Line Interface

Lucid KV offers a command line interface for managing the server and configuration:

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A Fast, Secure and Distributed KV store with an HTTP API.
Written in Rust, Fork us on GitHub (
    -h, --help         Prints help information
        --no-banner    Disable showing the banner on start
    -V, --version      Prints version information
    -c, --config <config>    Specify the Lucid configuration file
    help        Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    init        Initialize Lucid and generate configuration file
    server      Run a new Lucid server instance
    settings    Manage the Lucid configuration file

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